Yorkshire Post

Catalan leaders jailed for sedition by Spanish court


SPAIN’S SUPREME Court has convicted 12 former Catalan politician­s and activists for their roles in a secession bid in 2017.

The court sentenced former Catalan regional vice president Oriol Junqueras to 13 years for sedition and misuse of public funds following one of Spain’s most important trials since the death of dictator general Francisco Franco in 1975.

Eight received lengthy prison terms in Catalonia’s attempt to break away from Spain following an illegal independen­ce referendum, while three received lesser sentences. Although prosecutor­s had requested conviction­s for the more severe crime of rebellion, judges convicted nine of sedition, implying that they promoted public disorder to subvert the law.

Regional parliament speaker Carme Forcadell was given 11-and-a-half years in prison; former cabinet members Joaquim Forn and Josep Rull 10-and-a-half years each; and grassroots pro-independen­ce activists Jordi Sanchez and Jordi Cuixart nine years.

Junqueras and three other former cabinet members – Raul Romeva, Jordi Turull and Dolors Bassa, who were sentenced to 12 years – were also convicted for misuse of public funds. Three other former members of the Catalan Cabinet – Santiago Vila, Meritxell Borras and Carles Mundo – were fined for disobedien­ce.

Grassroots pro-secession groups have said that if any of the defendants were found guilty they would organise protests.

The court’s decision was another milestone in the long struggle for separatist­s who want Catalonia to break away from Spain. The separatist effort fell flat when it won no internatio­nal recognitio­n. The Spanish government stepped in and fired the Catalan regional government, with prosecutor­s later bringing charges. At the centre of the prosecutor­s’ case was the October 1, 2017 referendum that the Catalan government held even though the country’s highest court had disallowed it. The “Yes” vote won, but because it was an illegal ballot most voters did not turn out. The Catalan Parliament, however, unilateral­ly declared independen­ce three weeks later, triggering Spain’s worst political crisis in decades.

Seven separatist leaders allegedly involved in the events, including ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, inset, fled the country and are regarded by Spain as fugitives.

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