Yorkshire Post

Time to let Stray return to nature


From: Austin Spence, Harrogate.

I HAVE issues with The Stray in Harrogate.

Very rarely do I see it being used (perhaps on a Sunday morning for football), other than the occasional lonely walker traversing on the paths.

Many parts are not very pretty, they look a lot like Clapham Common (empty open grassland devoid of life/interest).

Could parts of the Stray be:

1. Rewilded (to encourage flora and fauna to flourish).

2. Wooded (to help absorb fuel emissions, add variety and adventure for children – again to support flora and fauna).

3. Made into a lake for boating and water wildlife.

Harrogate has a reputation as a town renowned for water and yet we have no real visible water features (save the tears in my eyes when I behold an empty Stray).

The above proposals are most certainly not monetising the Stray, more embracing its wonder, helping combat climate change, adding to the beauty of Harrogate and encouragin­g more tourists.

They would still leave vast swathes as open grassland (for football, flying kites, bonfire night, the occasional festival – I loved that Hay on the Stray idea a few years back).

From: Terry Greenwell, Newcastle.

I’M sure I’m not the first correspond­ent on this matter but, as a frequent visitor to Harrogate, I was dismayed to see the state of the Stray after what I understand was a cycling event. I enjoy cycling myself but surely there can be no justificat­ion for this defacement of your muchloved public open space. Who on earth was responsibl­e for this municipal vandalism?

From: Suzan Smith, Harrogate.

READERS are quite right about one possible reason for the decline of retail in Harrogate, that of the attitude of the shops towards the customer.

Like them, I am fed up of the general lack of courtesy and ‘customer service’ offered.

It now appears to be the norm in every establishm­ent, even the bank, to be greeted by “y’aright there” rather than “good morning/afternoon may I help you?”.

Then, only to be told the item you want to buy is “out of stock” and no, it cannot be ordered or obtained from another branch.

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