Yorkshire Post

Dozens of Boxing Day hunts are held


DOZENS OF Boxing Day hunts will be held across the UK today as campaigner­s call for tougher laws to keep foxes safe.

Fox hunting was banned in England and Wales following the introducti­on of the Hunting Act 2004 – which came into force a year later. However, drag hunting – where hounds are trained to follow an artificial scent – is permitted under the legislatio­n.

More than 80 Boxing Day hunt meets are taking place across the UK, with the majority being held in England, according to the Countrysid­e Alliance.

But animal welfare charity the League Against Cruel Sports said it will continue to lobby MPs to strengthen the Hunting Act and “remove loopholes” which it claims allow hunts to still get away with killing foxes for fun.

The charity’s director of campaigns, Chris Luffingham, said: “There has been a sea change in the way the fox hunting debate is being framed and with the ban now secure, our emphasis has shifted towards the strengthen­ing of the Hunting Act.

“To end fox hunting for good, the Hunting Act needs to be strengthen­ed by removing the loopholes and exemptions being exploited by the fox hunts to cover up their brutal activities.”

The charity said it had received 184 reports of suspected illegal fox hunting since the season began in late October.

Queen star Brian May said he will support a humane bloodhound hunt in Swansea today to highlight the cruelty-free side of recreation­al hunting. The event will see riders on horseback and their team of hounds chasing a human runner instead of a fox.

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