Yorkshire Post

Sturgeon will not rule out quarantine measures


NICOLA STURGEON will not rule out quarantini­ng people from other parts of the UK as she warned that England does not appear to be trying to eradicate coronaviru­s.

Scotland’s First Minister said she was not currently planning to force people arriving from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to quarantine, but would consider doing so “if it is required from a public health perspectiv­e”.

Ms Sturgeon told the Scottish Government’s daily coronaviru­s briefing “we have to be on our guard against cases coming into Scotland from elsewhere”.

She explained her government’s coronaviru­s strategy was to “get as close to eliminatio­n as possible”, but suggested the UK Government was “letting it circulate at higher levels”.

Ms Sturgeon said: “I would really welcome a statement from the Prime Minister that England’s strategy was about trying to eliminate the virus as well, as opposed to what appears to me to be perhaps letting it circulate at higher levels, as long as it doesn’t threaten to overwhelm the National Health Service.

“We have to keep these things under review if we want to keep our levels of infection as low as we can get them.”

She added: “I’m not trying to be overly critical here, I’m just being very clear with people what the Scottish Government’s strategy is, which is to get to eliminatio­n if we possibly can. But also being clear that – if that is our strategy and other countries or other parts of the UK have a different approach which might mean infection levels are higher – then clearly we then have to consider how we mitigate against our infection levels rising.”

Asked about whether further quarantine measures could come into force for travellers to Scotland from other parts of the UK, she added: “We have no plans to introduce any measures like this right now, but I’m not ruling anything out.”

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “On the issue of quarantine we have taken a fournation approach to these matters throughout. We have worked closely with the devolved administra­tions at all times and this continues.”

Asked whether Scotland’s First Minister could block the plan, the spokesman said: “We do continue to work with the Scottish Government on this.”

Suggested the UK Government was “letting virus circulate at higher levels”.
NICOLA STURGEON: Suggested the UK Government was “letting virus circulate at higher levels”.

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