Yorkshire Post

Disabled student launches legal fight for benefit


A DISABLED University of York student has started a High Court legal challenge against the Government for the right to claim Universal Credit.

Sidra Kauser, 22, from Halifax, suffers severe sight impairment and mental health difficulti­es. She receives Personal Independen­ce Payment, which is supposed to pay from extra costs of living associated with her health conditions, but is forced to use it for everyday living costs as she has just £122 a month after using her student loan to pay for tuition fees and rent.

Like other students, she is ineligible to claim Universal Credit because of her incapabili­ty to work due to her health conditions whilst studying for her masters degree in psychology – which she is arguing is unlawful. However, had she made a claim and been accepted before starting her degree, she may have been able to continue receiving the benefit.

Miss Kauser, who is being supported in her legal fight by the charity Disability Rights UK, said: “It seems totally illogical that if I had had a work capability assessment before I went to university and had been assessed as eligible for Universal Credit, then I wouldn’t be in this position and would be able to carry on with my studies without the stress of worrying about whether I will be able to cope financiall­y.”

Disability Rights UK’s Ken Butler said the policy could affect up to 30,000 disabled students.

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: “Students, including disabled students and those with health conditions, access fees and living costs support for their higher education courses through various loans and grants funded through the student support system. It is important that Universal Credit does not duplicate this support, which is designed for their needs unlike the welfare system.”

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