Yorkshire Post

Police officer is badly hurt as fans gather to celebrate Leeds’s success


A POLICE officer was seriously injured and a number of others hurt as thousands of people gathered to celebrate Leeds United winning the Championsh­ip.

A huge clean-up operation was under way in Leeds yesterday morning after an estimated 7,000 people gathered to mark the club’s return to the Premier League after 16 years, some leaving broken glass in a city centre square.

West Yorkshire Police said an officer was hit by a bottle and taken to hospital with serious head injuries. A number of other officers were also hurt along with members of the public as nine people were arrested, the force said.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Oz Khan said: “Throughout the weekend, fans have gathered across Leeds to celebrate the promotion of Leeds United into the Premier League.

“We have continued to impress upon fans the importance of the Covid-19 Government guidance and our approach has primarily remained as one of engagement and encouragem­ent.

“On Sunday, almost 7,000 people gathered in Millennium Square in Leeds.

“Whilst the vast majority of fans were enjoying themselves and celebratin­g, there were a small minority of people who began to throw bottles at police officers.

“A female officer suffered a serious head injury and was taken to hospital for treatment, a number of other officers suffered minor injuries and a further 15 members of the public were injured.”

Asst Chief Con Khan said officers were deployed to Millennium Square at noon and began to disperse the crowds in the evening. He said the area was cleared by 11.55pm, with nine people arrested for public order offences.

The majority of fans were enjoying themselves and celebratin­g.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Oz Khan.

 ?? PICTURES: DANNY LAWSON/PA ?? AFTERMATH: Workers clear litter in the centre of Leeds left by celebratin­g fans after Leeds United won the Championsh­ip title and returned to the Premier League. A female officer suffered a serious injury after being hit on the head by a bottle.
PICTURES: DANNY LAWSON/PA AFTERMATH: Workers clear litter in the centre of Leeds left by celebratin­g fans after Leeds United won the Championsh­ip title and returned to the Premier League. A female officer suffered a serious injury after being hit on the head by a bottle.

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