Yorkshire Post

Hygiene experts share tips for keeping safe in the office

As more people return to workplaces, Liz Connor speaks to hygiene experts about how people can help to reduce the risk of a coronaviru­s infection in the office.

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AFTER MONTHS of Zoom calls at the kitchen table, many workers in the UK and Ireland are preparing to pack up their laptops and head back to the office.

As restrictio­ns begin to lift, people may be concerned about the prospect of a fresh outbreak and a second lockdown – but there are several steps many workers can take to help reduce the risk of infection for themselves and co-workers. There are simple but effective things people can do to stay as safe, healthy and socially responsibl­e as possible, according to hygiene experts.

Before you return to your office, it’s important to check if there are any policy changes you need to know about.

“For example, your working hours may be staggered with your colleagues’ or you might be asked to enter through a different door,” says Phil Day, superinten­dent pharmacist at Pharmacy2U.

“It’s a good idea to check whether face coverings are compulsory and if masks and hand sanitiser will be provided by your company – otherwise, you’ll need to remember to pack your own.”

Some workplaces might ask staff to work in a different location, or to take a temperatur­e test on arrival, so it’s good to familiaris­e yourself with any new measures that could require leaving the house a little earlier.

“When you do get back to work, take a moment to see what’s different,” adds Day. “There could also be one-way systems and cleaning stations on your floor.”

After working in isolation for many months, it can be tempting to catch up with your work pals over a coffee in the kitchen, but it’s important to socially distance where possible and respect other people’s worries and anxieties.

“It might be hard to socially distance in the workplace, so be mindful of your old work routines,” says Day.

“Your co-workers are not your household,” he stresses. “Don’t shake hands or hug, and be respectful of distance in meetings and communal areas. It’s also a good idea to take the stairs rather than piling into a shared lift together.

“There will be lots of people you’ll want to catch up with, but don’t gather around the water cooler or cluster around a desk to share your gossip, as it could make others feel uncomforta­ble.”

Practicing good hygiene habits is one of the easiest but most effective things you can do to say safe on return to the office. Day says: “Your office should have extra cleaning measures in place, but it’s important that individual­s take the initiative to disinfect their desk, screen, phone, keyboard and mouse regularly.

“If you need to sneeze, make sure to do it into the crook of your arm or into a ‘t’, – and place any used tissues straight into a closed waste bin.

“I’d also recommend that you don’t touch your face, and wash your hands regularly, especially when you first enter the building. If you can open the windows in your office, that can help to let fresh air circulate too.”

Touching a surface or object that may have the virus on it and then touching your own mouth, nose and eyes, can help spread it. Jamie Woodhall, an environmen­tal biologist and technical and innovation manager at Initial Washroom Hygiene explains: “Contact with shared touchpoint­s is inevitable in an office and the important thing is to ensure you wash, dry and sanitise your hands after coming into contact with these.”

Woodhall says that key touchpoint­s to be aware of include doors and locks, toilet seats and flush mechanisms, toilet paper, baby change facilities, washbasins, kitchen apparatus and utensils and buttons for lifts.

“Once you’ve washed your hands,” he adds, “don’t forget to dry them too. Damp hands can spread significan­tly more bacteria, so be sure to thoroughly dry your hands using either an air drier or paper towel.”

 ?? PICTURE: PA PHOTO/ISTOCK. ?? GOING BACK: Practise good hygiene habits to stay safe on return to the office, experts urge.
PICTURE: PA PHOTO/ISTOCK. GOING BACK: Practise good hygiene habits to stay safe on return to the office, experts urge.

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