Yorkshire Post

Heseltine hits out

Sharp criticism of local leaders


WHILE MICHAEL Heseltine’s anti-Brexit views put him at odds with those now in charge of the Conservati­ve party, the man who served in the cabinets of Margaret Thatcher and John Major remains a notable political voice.

As such, Lord Heseltine’s recent remarks in support of a wider Yorkshire devolution deal should demand attention – as should his assessment of the reasons why it is yet to get off the ground.

Speaking at a DevoConnec­t Northern Powerhouse Education, Employment and Skills Summit, Lord Heseltine made the point that a single mayor of Yorkshire would be far better placed to promote the region around the world due to global recognitio­n of the Yorkshire brand than those in charge of smaller cityregion areas of the county as currently favoured by the Government.

The political grandee then claimed that what has held back a One Yorkshire deal is bickering between those at council level across the region which has meant a lack of a unified purpose in pursuing the goal.

While the city region devolution agreements are undoubtedl­y better than nothing and are in the process of unlocking powers and extra investment across the region, as the debate intensifie­s over how local authoritie­s in North Yorkshire will be rearranged in exchange for their regional deal Lord Heseltine’s remarks are an important reminder that an even more ambitious goal could be still be reached.

However, it will take those holding the local levers of power to start making a unified case for action to have a hope of turning the idea into a reality.

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