Yorkshire Post

A helping hand

New support for our farmers


IT IS important that profound political difference­s over Covid- 19 strategy, both nationally and regionally, do not deflect attention away from the unpreceden­ted work being undertaken by charities and others to support the most vulnerable in Yorkshire communitie­s.

Too many to list, their response – at a time when so many fundraisin­g events have had to be cancelled – has been nothing short of phenomenal and the work being undertaken by RABI, the Royal Agricultur­al Benevolent Institutio­n, is just the latest example.

As farmers in Yorkshire, and further afield, come to terms with the impact of day- to- day Covid challenges, and continuing uncertaint­y over Brexit, on their finances, it has launched an online wellbeing community and counsellin­g initiative.

A bespoke service, it will focus on those issues most relevant to the agricultur­al sector and, specifical­ly, a susceptibi­lity to mental health issues and loneliness which had come to the fore long before the Covid pandemic struck.

But what makes this initiative so noteworthy is the decision of the RABI to provide two distinct sites for those seeking advice – one for adults and the other tailor- made for young people aged between 11 and 17 years. In addition, all users can access one- to- one counsellin­g.

Part of a five- year programme of support being developed by this esteemed organisati­on, it again highlights all the positive work being done to assist families from all walks of life, including farming, now suffering significan­t hardship. The support is there – and people should not be too proud to accept this helping hand.

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