Yorkshire Post

Bishops warn PM of unrest in the North

Approach to Covid could divide the UK unless more is done to aid poor, they say

- TOM RICHMOND COMMENT EDITOR ■ Email: tom. richmond@ ypn. co. uk ■ Twitter: @ OpinionYP

THE NORTH’S three most senior bishops today warn that Boris Johnson’s approach to Covid- 19 in the North risks causing a generation of “disillusio­n and unrest” among younger people and “dividing the nation”.

The churchmen, headed by the newly enthroned Archbishop of York, also warn that the social consequenc­es could be “more dangerous and de- stabilisin­g” than the virus unless Ministers begin to respect regional leaders.

Their interventi­on comes at the end of a divisive week defined by an ugly stand- off between DowningStr­eetand GreaterMan­chester mayor Andy Burnham over inadequate financial support for affected areas, prompting the Prime Minister to say he was “not at war with the North”.

There is also mounting anger, as the highest Tier 3 coronarivu­s rules come into force in Sheffield City Region, that Chancellor Rishi Sunak only announced new support for businesses after the Covid threat level rose in London.

Now the Most Reverend Stephen Cottrell, enthroned last Sunday, has written a hard- hitting essay for The Yorkshire Post with the Bishops of Leeds and Manchester, urging Ministers to do more to help the poor.

In the Church’s strongest rebuke yet of Ministers for their handling of the pandemic, they warn: “If we are going to bring real equality and levelling up across the country, then people living in poverty need to be paid a sufficient wage that can enable them to feel secure by staying home.

“Blaming them for not doing so is not an option. They simply don’t have the cushion or the safety net that is there for people on higher wages, nor is the current benefits system the help that it should be.” Calling for “a collective, nationwide response”, the clergy say that the cost “is a price worth paying” to avoid even more profound social division.

“A divided nation where one section of society, generally wealthy, generally living in the South, is able to screen itself more effectivel­y from coronaviru­s and get through to the other side of this pandemic, and another section of society, generally poorer, generally in the North, suffers greatly,” they state.

“The cost of this division, particular­ly among younger people, will only lead to disillusio­n and unrest.”

Archbishop Cottrell, together with Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, and David Walker, the Bishop of Manchester, also calls for “much greater collaborat­ion” with regional leaders.

“If we fail to do this, it will be measured in human suffering and may turn out to be a scourge that is more dangerous and destabilis­ing than Covid- 19 itself,” they conclude. The interventi­on came after Mr Johnson praised the North’s “fortitude and selflessne­ss” ahead of the difficult winter ahead and assured families that “this government is going to be with you every step of the way”.

WE’VE LEARNT over the years that hard truths are nearly always hard to hear – let alone accept. Yet if ever there was a time to prick up our ears and listen carefully, it’s during this devastatin­g pandemic.

The upsetting truth is that Covid- 19 cases – and hospital admissions – are rising. A long, difficult winter lies ahead. And perhaps most cruelly of all, the people who are most likely to suffer and die from this terrible virus are the very poorest among us.

We have every sympathy with the Government and legislator­s who are trying their best to navigate a way though this most difficult of situations. The lockdowns and other restrictio­ns that more and more of us are experienci­ng is a way of life we will probably have to get used to for some time to come.

However, there is evidence to show it is the poorest who are often living in the most deprived communitie­s of our nation who are being hit the hardest and suffer most from these restrictio­ns. Public Health England data confirms this.

Those in more deprived communitie­s, urban and rural, are also most likely to be living in smaller and more cramped homes. They have lower incomes and little job security. They are much less likely to be able to work from home or enjoy flexible working practices and, of course, that is if they have paid employment and a roof over their heads in the first place.

And let’s not forget the large number of hidden homeless, those who are not actually on the streets but live in temporary accommodat­ion or move from sofa to sofa. For many families in the UK today it is a struggle just to get food on the table.

This is a terrible double whammy: the poorer you are the more likely you are to get coronaviru­s; and the poorer you are the more likely you are to suffer disproport­ionally from the restrictio­ns imposed to control Covid- 19. It is this heartbreak­ing reality, not party politics, that lies behind this week’s stand- off between Greater Manchester and Westminste­r.

It is not that local leaders and people in Manchester don’t understand the need for controls and restrictio­ns to slow the spread of this virus and save lives, it’s just that those very restrictio­ns are crippling the people they are trying to save and, for them, doing very little to protect them from coronaviru­s, for they are the people who have little choice about still having to go to work, only now for a smaller wage.

And if they do end up being laid off, they and their family are at further risk, not least from the deteriorat­ion in mental health that inevitably goes with the stress of unemployme­nt and the inability to support one’s family.

The hard truth is this: people on low or unpredicta­ble wages simply can’t afford to isolate and often end up working if they are asymptomat­ic or have only very slight symptoms.

Given the hardships they are currently facing, and indeed were facing before coronaviru­s, what are the choices left for them?

If we are going to bring real equality and levelling up across the country, then people living in poverty need to be paid a sufficient wage that can enable them to feel secure by staying home.

Blaming them for not doing so is not an option. They simply don’t have the cushion or the safety net that is there for people on higher wages, nor is the current benefits system the help that it should be. For most people, there is a five- week delay in accessing benefits. This is far, far too long.

As this tough winter begins and the poorest and most vulnerable in our society take the biggest hit, we need a collective, nationwide response.

This will require further injections of money to support poorer communitie­s which, yes, will be a cost to all of us, but it is a price worth paying since the alarming alternativ­e that may emerge if we don’t get things right is a divided nation.

A divided nation where one section of society, generally wealthy, generally living in the South, is able to screen itself more effectivel­y from coronaviru­s and get through to the other side of this pandemic, and another section of society, generally poorer, generally in the North, suffers greatly.

The cost of this division, particular­ly among younger people, will only lead to disillusio­n and unrest. We need to find ways of bearing the cost of this proportion­ally and even finding ways of increasing social cohesion through the shared enterprise of finding ways of defeating Covid- 19.

At our best, on Thursday evenings throughout the summer cheering the NHS, we caught a glimpse of this cohesion. Rather than a society of strangers, we began to see a community of communitie­s. But unless there is proper financial provision for our poorest communitie­s, we are going to see this cohesion disintegra­te.

This week we saw that starting to happen in some communitie­s in the North. It can be avoided. But it requires a different sort of vision and one that begins with much greater collaborat­ion between Westminste­r and local, regional and devolved leadership.

If we fail to do this, it will be measured in human suffering and may turn out to be a scourge more dangerous and destabilis­ing than Covid- 19 itself.

We pray each day for the leaders of our nation at this most testing time – but now is the time for some fresh, radical thinking. When you embark on a long journey, you need to ensure you have with you all you will need. We are, as a nation, in for a long haul.

But while there is time, albeit limited, we hope we can look again at what we have put in place, particular­ly listening to those local communitie­s in the North of England and their leaders.

We think our nation may be able to do better and we must. In the words of Jesus: “Let they who have ears, let them hear” – however hard that may be.

The Right Reverend Stephen Cottrell is the Archbishop of York. He has written this piece with Nick Baines, the Bishop of Leeds, and David Walker, the Bishop of Manchester.

 ?? PICTURE: PETER BYRNE/ PA ?? SHOP CLOSED: Greater Manchester protested that its poorest citizens would be the worst affected when the area was put into the enforced top tier of restrictio­ns this week.
PICTURE: PETER BYRNE/ PA SHOP CLOSED: Greater Manchester protested that its poorest citizens would be the worst affected when the area was put into the enforced top tier of restrictio­ns this week.
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