Yorkshire Post

MPs bid to get tough on abuse of animals

- GRACE HAMMOND Email: yp. newsdesk@ ypn. co. uk Twitter: @ yorkshirep­ost

TOUGHER sentences for animal abusers have moved closed to becoming law after a campaign by MPs.

The maximum sentence for animal cruelty offences would increase tenfold, from six months in prison to five years, under legislatio­n supported by MPs.

Conservati­ve Chris Loder ( West Dorset) said he was inspired to sponsor the law change after a mistreated dog he found abandoned by a road became his family’s treasured pet.

His Animal Welfare ( Sentencing) Bill received an unopposed second reading, with Environmen­t Minister Victoria Prentis describing it as “absolutely necessary”.

She told MPs: “This Bill has the full support of the Government and we will do all we can to support its swift passage without amendment through the Commons and the Lords as soon as we possibly can.”

Labour also backed the legislatio­n, with Shadow Environmen­t Minister Daniel Zeichner pressing for no further delays.

He said: “There is a correlatio­n between animal cruelty and domestic violence. I’m told women in domestic violence shelters are 11 times more likely to report that a partner had hurt or killed a pet.”

Earlier, Mr Loder said: “I have decided to sponsor this important Bill, inspired by the story of my own dog, a four- year- old springer spaniel who I’ve named Poppy.

“Poppy was abandoned on a

stormy night in January last year. She had been dumped at the top of a hill, miles from the nearest town or village, and it was at the roadside on that hilltop lane in my constituen­cy that I found her whilst driving home.

“Poppy was in a bad state when I found her... She now enjoys a wonderful new life as a member of the Loder family.

“This Bill amends the Animal Welfare Act 2006 which currently sets out a maximum penalty of six months imprisonme­nt and/ or unlimited fine for the most serious prevention of harm offences.”

The Bill will undergo further scrutiny at a later date.

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