Yorkshire Post

Narnia deal


From: Richard Wilson,

Chair, Leeds for Europe, Riverside Way, Leeds.

LEEDS West MP Rachel Reeves’ descriptio­n of a no- deal Brexit as a “Narnia” deal is more apt than efforts to rebrand it an “Australian- style” one ( The Yorkshire Post, October 20).

Much like Narnia, Australia does not have a free trade agreement with the European Union. But nor – being further away than the inside of a wardrobe – has Australia developed close, mutually beneficial links with immediate EU neighbours and natural trading partners.

Disrupting­thoseisgoi­ngtodo enormousha­rmtoBritai­n. The Tory MP– unnamediny­ourarticle – whoshouted outtoMsRee­ves that nodeal“isnotdamag­ing” is, likemany‘ Brextremis­ts’, stilllivin­g in afantasywo­rld.

There is now only time left for a limited, “skinny” deal. It will look nothing like what ministers and Vote Leave campaigner­s promised four years ago.

But in Britain’s best interest, the Government needs to ditch these Narnia- style fantasies.

It is 52 months since the 2016 EU referendum and two months until our transition­al arrangemen­ts end. To paraphrase what the Government is reportedly telling companies this week – “time is running out”. So, do a deal now which protects our access to the European market and which defends our values.

Or better still, admit you have made a terrible mistake and start to put it right – by applying to rejoin the EU as soon as possible.

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