Yorkshire Post

Covid means Christmas shouldn’t be normal this year

- From: Ian Richardson,

IT increasing­ly seems that one of the only rational voices to come out of the Covid human catastroph­e unfolding in the USA is that of the admirable Dr Anthony Fauci.

In pleading with Americans not to put their own health, and particular­ly the welfare of elderly relatives and the wider community at risk by holding irresponsi­ble Thanksgivi­ng parties, he must know that his well- informed views will largely fall on millions of, frankly ignorant, deaf ears.

He speaks to us here too. Just as those British public health experts like John Ashton and Anthony Costello have been trying to tell us for months, to get real and not put irrational twaddle above stark reality.

Tragically, both nations have been led down dangerous dark alleys by narcissist­ic leaders, who care far more for themselves than the welfare of the people they govern. Here, we are witnessing highly irresponsi­ble calls to ease Covid restrictio­ns, so we can have a ‘ normal Christmas’.

Hugging our grannies on December 25 is apparently essential for the nation’s welfare; even though doing so will likely mean thousands of them not living to see much of 2021.

Of course, all of us are struggling, all of us tested, none of us likes to see our most vulnerable suffering emotionall­y.

Beyond these feelings though, we will not fully recover from this crisis, and subsequent ones, unless we respond more rationally, seeing all individual­s as part of a chain, with responsibi­lities to each other, as well as personal rights.

This year, Christmas cannot be, nor should it be, ‘ normal’.

From: Mr V Platt, Cold Bath Road, Harrogate.

WHY all the panic over not being able to celebrate Christmas next month?

You can still go to Midnight Mass, although you will have to pre- book this year and you will have to social distance and wear a mask, but you will not be allowed to sing Stille Nacht either in German or English.

When you get home relax with a nice mince pie and a glass of something – cheer up and enjoy, it’s not the end of the world!

From: Jenny Eaves, Balby, Doncaster.

AS much as I love Christmas and seeing my family, I am happy to accept that this year it is sensible to put normal celebratio­ns on hold. With vaccines on their way, it makes little sense to rip up the sacrifices made since March.

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