Yorkshire Post

Impact of no deal would hit EU hardest


From: Michael Gilbert, Upper Hagg Road, Thongsbrid­ge, Holmfirth.

HANNAH Robinson’s recent article on Joe Biden’s victory ( The Yorkshire Post, November 11) was obviously written from an antiBrexit Remainer’s perspectiv­e and I found it biased and not factually correct.

Although a no deal Brexit would impact financiall­y on Yorkshire and the UK in general, no mention was made about the greater impact on Europe of a no deal Brexit.

As the UK exports less to Europe than we import from them, it’s only logical that their financial impacts would be greater than ours.

The article went on to claim that “getting rid of a climate change denier from the world’s largest carbon emitter is clearly a good thing for the region of Yorkshire”, which is pointing the finger at President Trump.

He is a climate change denier but his country emits far less CO2 than China does. American emissions are 54 per cent of those of China – large but significan­tly less. China needs to be addressed first as the world’s leading polluter.

The 2018 figures show data compiled by the Internatio­nal Energy Agency, which estimates carbon dioxide ( CO2) emissions from the combustion of coal, natural gas, oil, and other fuels, including industrial waste and non- renewable municipal waste, puts China first on the list, followed by the US.

Incidental­ly the UK is 17th in the list. Much lower than the USA.

Can these people with “opinions” please check their facts better?

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