Yorkshire Post

Queen’s example

Message during the maelstrom


WITH HER husband in hospital and the world’s attention focused on her grandson’s controvers­ial interview with Oprah Winfrey following an elaborate build-up to its broadcast, it is testament to the Queen’s sense of duty that she took the time to praise medical staff and other key workers around the world in a moving Commonweal­th Day message.

There will be understand­able focus on her comments in a message broadcast on television just hours ahead of the Sussexes’ Oprah interview airing in America about staying in touch with family and friends during “testing times” as the fallout to Harry and Meghan’s departure continues.

But the Queen’s thanks to those who have played vital roles in fighting the coronaviru­s pandemic should also be highlighte­d.

“Whilst experience­s of the last year have been different across the Commonweal­th, stirring examples of courage, commitment, and selfless dedication to duty have been demonstrat­ed in every Commonweal­th nation and territory, notably by those working on the frontline, who have been delivering health care and other public services in their communitie­s,” she said.

As footage was played of the Queen’s numerous official video calls, Her Majesty said while such technology may have been new to older generation­s, it has helped people transcend distance to stay in touch with loved ones.

“We have all continued to appreciate the support, breadth of experience­s and knowledge that working together brings,” she said.

It is a message that few even those now based in LA - could argue with.

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