Yorkshire Post

Packham backs campaign by charity to stop badger baiting


NATURALIST and broadcaste­r Chris Packham has backed a campaign to halt badger baiting as he called on the younger generation­s to become “guardians of our natural world”.

The Springwatc­h presenter has given his support to a short film which has been produced by the Naturewatc­h Foundation charity, to highlight the illegal practice and the threat which badgers face.

The Gloucester­shire-based charity is hoping the 16-minute documentar­y will be used by organisati­ons and individual­s working with young people, such as secondary school teachers, youth workers, wildlife organisati­ons and police officers.

Packham, who is a patron of the Naturewatc­h Foundation, said: “The film offers teenagers the chance to appreciate and connect with the natural world, and with a creature they may have previously had little knowledge of.

“As we have learned, particular­ly during the pandemic, nature has been recognised as a source of inspiratio­n and comfort for so many of us.

“It is more important than ever that we inspire the younger generation­s to become guardians and protectors of our natural world and all the beautiful creatures that call it home, particular­ly the humble and highly victimised badger.”

The video shows the brutality and prevalence of badger baiting, which continues to thrive across the UK despite being banned since 1835.

The documentar­y, called Raising Awareness of Badger Crime ,is presented and produced by Alex Collins, a young filmmaker and keen conservati­onist.

He said: “The fact that badger baiting remains so undiscusse­d among the general public is a testament to how far we still have to go if we are to defeat wildlife crime nationwide.

“I believe that all generation­s, young and old, have the power to create positive change, and I hope that this film acts as the first stepping stone towards inspiring people to do that.”

 ??  ?? CHRIS PACKHAM: Younger generation­s have role to play as ‘guardians of our natural world’.
CHRIS PACKHAM: Younger generation­s have role to play as ‘guardians of our natural world’.

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