Yorkshire Post

Sorry saga of bus services at a dead end


From: Tony Young, Cross

Bank, Skipton.

MATTHEW Topham (The Yorkshire Post, March 17) is absolutely right, Boris Johnson’s “bus revolution” is anything but:

■ Within the past couple of years, we have lost our direct bus service to Ilkley, Otley and Leeds.

■ Skipton has lost its through bus service to Manchester.

■ We still have no buses on Saturdays, the busiest market day.

■ Our bus stop doesn’t have a pole, let alone a timetable (a shelter would be nice).

■ The timetable on the next bus stop still shows the service to Leeds which finished months ago.

■ The automatic doors in Skipton bus station are all permanentl­y fixed open and haven’t worked for months, maybe years.

Will the “bus revolution” make any difference to any of these? I doubt it.

From: Peter Judge, Rastrick, Brighouse.

HAS anybody seen our missing bridge?

Walking into Brighouse from Rastrick the other day, I crossed (as is the only way) Anchor Bridge. I looked along to the canal to the west, and saw the phantom of the missing bridge. I must have been dreaming about it.

Yes, back in the 1960s, when Brighouse was being developed, we were promised a ring road, not just an east-west bypass.

The A643 was to be straighten­ed out immediatel­y after crossing Rastrick Bridge over the Calder, cross the canal on a new bridge, and pass through what is currently Owler Ings car park to the roundabout at the bottom of John King (Halifax Road).

So where is our missing bit of road? Is the bridge on the back of a lorry, lost on the M62?

It is time for this vital link to be built, and to finish Bringroad (Brighouse Ring Road).

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