Yorkshire Post

George Floyd died from a lack of oxygen, medical expert tells trial

- STEVE TEALE NEWS CORRESPOND­ENT ■ Email: yp.newsdesk@jpimedia.co.uk ■ Twitter: @yorkshirep­ost

GEORGE FLOYD died of a lack of oxygen from being pinned facedown on the pavement with his hands cuffed behind him, a medical expert said at former officer Derek Chauvin’s murder trial.

Mr Floyd’s breathing while he was being held down by Chauvin and other officers was too shallow to take in enough oxygen, which in turn damaged his brain and caused an abnormal heart rhythm that made his heart stop, said Dr Martin Tobin, a lung and critical care specialist at the Edward Hines, Jr VA Hospital and Loyola University’s medical school in Chicago.

He took the stand as part of an effort by prosecutor­s to establish that it was Chauvin’s actions, not Mr Floyd’s illegal drug use and underlying health conditions, as the defence contends, that killed the 46-year-old black man last May.

Mr Tobin, analysing a graphic presentati­on of the three officers pinning Mr Floyd for what prosecutor­s say was almost nine-anda-half minutes, said Chauvin’s knee was “virtually on the neck for the vast majority of time”.

He said it was “more than 90 per cent of the time in my calculatio­ns”.

He said it appeared that Mr Floyd was getting enough oxygen for about the first five minutes to keep his brain alive because he was still speaking.

But Mr Tobin explained to jurors what happens as the space in the airway narrows, saying breathing then becomes “enormously more difficult”, adding that it would be worse than “breathing through a drinking straw”.

Mr Tobin gave evidence that if the hypopharyn­x, the bottom part of the throat, becomes totally obstructed, it takes just seconds to reduce the level of oxygen to where it would result “in either a seizure or a heart attack”.

Prosecutor­s showed images of Mr Floyd side by side, one with the front of his face smashed against the pavement and another with his head turned.

Mr Tobin said that when Mr Floyd’s head was face down, a ligament at the back of his neck would have protected his airway.

But with his head turned, Chauvin’s weight would have compressed the hypopharyn­x.

The expert calculated that at times when Chauvin was in a near-vertical position, with his toes off the ground, half of Chauvin’s body weight, 91.5lb, was directly on Mr Floyd’s neck.

Mr Tobin said other factors worsened the effect on Floyd: He pointed out that Officer J Kueng held Mr Floyd’s left hand upward, and Chauvin’s right knee compressed Mr Floyd’s side, meaning “the ability to expand his left side is enormously impaired.”

The handcuffs and the hard surface also interfered with Mr Floyd’s ability to breathe, Mr Tobin said.

Mr Tobin used simple language, with terms like “pump handle” and “bucket handle” to describe the act of breathing for jurors. At one point, he invited them to “examine your own necks, all of you in the jury right now” to better understand the effect of a knee on a person’s neck.

Most of the jurors felt their necks as Mr Tobin instructed, though the judge later told them they did not have to do so.

Chauvin, 45, is charged with murder and manslaught­er in Mr Floyd’s death on May 25 last year.

Mr Floyd was arrested outside a neighbourh­ood market after being accused of trying to pass a counterfei­t 20 dollar bill.

[Chauvin’s knee] was virtually on the neck for the vast majority of time. Dr Martin Tobin, a lung and critical care specialist.

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