Yorkshire Post

Home shut down due to antisocial behaviour


A house where people lit fires, swore in the street, took drugs and disturbed neighbours has been closed to the public for three months.

The house, in Brigg Drive, Hessle, was shut after an applicatio­n from Humberside Police for a three-month closure order was granted by a magistrate­s’ court.

Inspector Matt Wilson said the force used such closure orders to help remove antisocial behaviour from an area.

A spokespers­on for Hull Council, which owns the house, said they were now considerin­g taking action against the tenants following the granting of the order.

Magistrate­s can grant a closure order if it is satisfied that someone has or could engage in disorder, antisocial behaviour or criminal behaviour at a premises.

Closure orders can also be granted if a property’s use is disturbing to the public and if they are necessary to prevent future nuisance and disorder.

Anyone caught trying to enter the home without permission can be fined or imprisoned.

They last for a maximum of three months but the police or a local authority can apply for an extension of up to six months.

Insp Wilson said the action showed the force was committed to tackling antisocial behaviour in the area.

The officer said: “When we apply for a closure order, it is to ensure that the disorderly, offensive or criminal behaviour is removed from the local area and ensure that any residents, or other people, cannot visit the address for up to a minimum of three months.”

A Hull Council spokespers­on said they had worked alongside Humberside Police to get the closure order.

He said: “Now that the order has been granted, we will be considerin­g formal action against the tenancy to support both the police and those residents affected by the behaviour.”

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