Yorkshire Post

Town defends planning for new park after criticism about delays from MP


A TOWN council in Doncaster has defended its extensive consultati­on for a new play park following criticism from an MP.

Thorne-Moorends Town Council has assured residents that the Thorne Memorial Park will receive new park equipment after previous equipment was removed last year.

The authority said that the project is "likely" to be created this year following consultati­on. It comes after the main multi-unit was removed from the site in June 2023 when an inspection deemed that it was unsafe.

The town council then began to plan a new park on the site after residents stated on Facebook that this would be beneficial to the area.

Last week, the council launched another public consultati­on on the plans on Facebook while the site is yet to receive new equipment. The consultati­on asks residents for their opinions on elements such as various equipment styles and which pieces of equipment are most important.

Don Valley Conservati­ve MP Nick Fletcher said: “I have been patient as have the residents of Thorne. However it’s now March 2024 and still no replacemen­t equipment has been installed in this playground.

“It’s really not good enough. And to rub salt into the wound, they have raised the precept by 61 per cent over the last two years. This Town Council should be building a playground and not focusing on building an empire. It’s very disappoint­ing indeed.”

Laura Waude, Thorne-Moorends Town Clerk said: "Unfortunat­ely, this could not be delivered immediatel­y as projects such as these take time and need to be done correctly.

"The council must follow Financial Regulation­s, go through the correct processes of procuremen­t and wanted to consult with the public further, not just to ascertain whether there was a want or need for a new park, but for residents and young people’s voices to be heard.”

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