The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

Sarah, 30, from Kent, adopted Rosie* three months ago



I was chosen. I really believe she was meant to be mine. I’d had a lot of experience of having friends’ children to stay but in no way does that prepare you for the day you carry that baby into your house and shut the door. I remember thinking, ‘Right. What do I do now?’

I spent several days hunkered down with her on my own, watching her every move. We had lots of cuddles, lots of books, lots of play. She’s incredibly adventurou­s and loves to climb things, which is terrifying! Gradually, we started going out and about. One of the best things was just walking around with the buggy, feeling like any other parent.

My life is already unrecognis­able. I used to get up to go to work. Now all my waking hours are spent in toddler groups, at the zoo or at home doing messy play. There have been times I’ve wished there was someone to share this with: when Rosie bumped her head while climbing I had to take her to A&E; and when she first called me Mummy it would have been nice if there had been someone else to hear it. The responsibi­lity is all on me and that’s scary but also quite exciting.

Rosie is 18 months old now and although I don’t know if her early trauma will bring future problems – that’s all part of the unknown in adoption – the past three months have been amazing. Her learning to hug was one of the best days. At first, she’d let me cuddle her but didn’t do it back. Then one day, she put her arms round my neck, squeezed really tight and said, ‘Ahhhh!’ Those moments are all for me. As a single adopter, I get 100 per cent of that.

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