The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

YOur sTars ★ sally BrOmpTON

- 24 Sept-23 Oct 24 Oct-22 Nov 23 Nov-21 Dec 22 Dec-20 Jan 21 Jan-19 Feb 20 Feb-20 March 21 March-20 April 21 April-21 May 22 May-21 June 22 June-23 July 24 July-23 Aug 24 Aug-23 Sept


You may think that time and energy spent on certain people or plans was wasted but nothing in life is ever in vain. Learn what you can from the situation and move on. One day you will realise that the experience did you a great deal of good.

CALL 0904 470 1167*


Your opinions on an important topic will alter dramatical­ly this week. New informatio­n will make you realise that conclusion­s you thought impossible are actually very likely. It may upset you that a trusted ally lied to you but the signs were there all along. CALL 0904 470 1168*


There have been many occasions in recent months when you felt life was conspiring against you, that you weren’t getting the breaks you deserved. Now the reverse will occur and lots of good things will happen. You probably don’t deserve them either! CALL 0904 470 1169*


Anyone hoping to impose their will on you will be disappoint­ed this week. As Pluto, planet of power, turns direct in your birth sign you will flex your muscles and show that you’re not the sort who can be bossed around. They should know that already. CALL 0904 470 1170*


Don’t waste time fretting over what you’ve done because you can’t turn back the clock. What is done can’t be undone and your main task this week is to recognise that and move on. Your conscience may not be clear but if it was you wouldn’t be human.

CALL 0904 470 1171*


You may think people don’t change, that transforma­tion is a myth. If you believe that you won’t make much progress either at home or work. But something that happens this week should make you think again. It’s never too late to change for the better. CALL 0904 470 1172*


Don’t take the world too seriously this week. No doubt it could be in better shape and do with a shake up, but if you get caught up in the rights and wrongs of every situation you will soon lose your way if not your mind. Cultivate a spirit of detachment. CALL 0904 470 1161*


Fate is about to enter your life and make you see how much more is possible once you expand your horizons and look beyond familiar areas. Even if you’re a risk-averse Taurus do not be afraid to take some. There’s a good chance it could pay off.

CALL 0904 470 1162*


Your attitude to things that scare you will alter this week. The moment you realise that nothing is to be feared but fear itself is the moment you take control of your life and start to move it in a direction of your choosing. Then anything becomes possible.

CALL 0904 470 1163*


You may feel powerless against people who are bigger and stronger than you, but what happens this week will make you realise that size is irrelevant. If your principles are solid and your aims unselfish, nothing and no one can stand in your way.

CALL 0904 470 1164*


Your good deeds will now be repaid – no matter how small or apparently insignific­ant they may have been. By putting the needs of others first you not only make life better for them but better for yourself too. Time for another good deed!

CALL 0904 470 1165*


Something that occurs this week will make you realise you’ve been living at a lower level of activity and achievemen­t than you should. Your first reaction may be to do something remarkable but don’t be so hasty. You have plenty of time and options.

CALL 0904 470 1166*


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