The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You

What have I got to show for my life?



I have just turned 68 and feel that my life has been a ‘car crash’, with no achievemen­ts and nothing to show for it. When my brother was born, my mother said that I was uncontroll­ably jealous. She clearly preferred him to me and my sister, and would brag about him endlessly. When it transpired that he was on the gifted spectrum, things went from bad to worse. Though my sister didn’t seem bothered, I always felt inadequate next to him. He has recently retired, having made a lot of money. Despite being ignored by my mother, my sister has also run a successful business and is married with children and grandchild­ren. I struggled at school and left with no qualificat­ions. I couldn’t hold down a job until I was 24 but did finally manage to get a position in local government, where I stayed for 30 years – but was almost always passed over for promotion. Nothing has come easily to me. I didn’t even pass my driving test until the eighth attempt at 45. I did eventually return to education part-time and passed five GCSEs. I have never been told I have potential at anything. I tried art classes but my attempts were amateurish – only my dad liked them and I think he was just being kind. I tried creative writing but have been met with constant rejection. I have no practical skills, and when I volunteere­d at a community centre one member of staff told me I was a ‘waste of space’.

I just want to stop feeling like such a loser.

The notion of ‘internal’ and ‘external’ validation is the difference between being able to see yourself as good enough instead of relying on the opinion of others for a sense of worth. When someone is constantly criticised or undervalue­d in childhood, as you appear to have been, it can leave a legacy of feeling ‘like a loser’. This is hard enough, but other things might have also held you back. You say your brother is on the ‘gifted spectrum’ and I wonder if you also mean the autistic spectrum. If one sibling has autism spectrum disorder, it is not uncommon to find such conditions as ADHD in the family and, from the educationa­l pattern you describe, this could be the case. You may also be dyspraxic (which affects coordinati­on skills – balance, playing sports or learning to drive). When you were young, such conditions were seldom diagnosed. So far from being a loser, you might well have two conditions for which you needed support – and in its absence have suffered terribly. But it’s not too late to seek help. See your GP for a referral to counsellin­g for support with your feelings of inadequacy and ideally also to a psychiatri­st for a diagnosis. See dyspraxiaf­ and adhdfounda­ for informatio­n. I am sure you have many lovely qualities and, once you get help, you will start to feel better. Carry on with the creative pursuits, but just to express your thoughts and emotions rather than for others’ approval.

I struggled at school. I couldn’t hold down a job until I was 24

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