Your Horse (UK)



This exercise will help work on your horse’s suppleness and encourage him to stretch.

●1 In trot, ride a 15m circle and gradually reduce the size of your circle down to 10m. Remember to create the bend from your inside leg and control the size of your circle with your outside rein and leg.

●2 Using your inside leg, ask your horse to go out onto a larger circle. Your outside leg and rein controls how quickly he moves out – remember to stay in a good even rhythm.

●3 As you return to your 15m circle, let your reins become a little longer, to see if your horse follows the bit forwards.

●4 Use your inside rein to ask for flexion and your inside leg to create the bend, while your outside leg and rein maintain the size of your circle.

●5 Only maintain this for about half a circle in the beginning, before shortening your reins up again.

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