Your Horse (UK)

Ride your horse long and low

You’ve heard the phrase, but do you really know how to ride the movement correctly? We explain what it is and what it feels like so you know you’re getting it right


WHEN RIDDEN CORRECTLY, a long and low frame will engage your horse’s core as well as boost his suppleness.

For your horse to feel all the benefits of being ridden in this frame, he needs to be working correctly. He should move forwards freely from your leg into your contact, his back should be raised and supple, and his neck should extend in a light arch from his withers to his poll with his nose just in front of the vertical. Riding long and low isn’t simply riding on a long rein, there still needs to be a connection from your legs to your hands. When you ask him to stretch he should remain in balance, engaged and off the forehand.

It can be best to ask your horse for a long and low frame at the end of your schooling, once his muscles are warm and he’s on your aids. As your reins go longer, he should follow the bit, stretching forwards in his head and neck. When he’s stretching correctly he’ll feel powerful, supple and relaxed. If you’re struggling to get your horse to stretch, try the following exercise to give him the right idea.

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Riding your horse in a long and low frame will help create a more supple horse
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