Your Horse (UK)

3 threats to hooves

Being aware of the three factors that can affect your horse’s hooves will help you manage them correctly.


1. Wet weather

Moisture is naturally present in the hoof but long periods of wet weather can result in the sole becoming soft, which may lead to abscesses and thrush. Too much water causes the hoof to swell, which weakens the hoof structure and it becomes crumbly.

2. Dry weather

On the other hoof, when the weather is warmer and drier, your horse’s hooves will dry out and this can lead to them becoming brittle and cracking. Trying to maintain a consistent moisture level is obviously the ideal but achieving this can be very tricky when moisture levels vary so much from day to day and week to week. What you can do to help is to try to anticipate the wet-dry-wet cycle by keeping an eye on the weather forecast and choosing the appropriat­e product depending on the weather conditions. This can help to stabilise the moisture content as much as possible, hopefully resulting in healthy hooves.

3. Bacteria

Bacteria can wreak havoc in your horse’s hooves. They can dissolve the natural fats and oils that protect the hoof, resulting in a soft and weak hoof.

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