Your Horse (UK)



Some cases of diarrhoea can be prevented by following these tips:

Ensure that your horse doesn’t have a heavy worm burden by carrying out worm egg counts every three months. When changing your horse’s diet, or switching to a new batch of hay, ensure that this is done gradually by mixing a small amount of the new feedstuff with the old so that the change is less sudden.

Have your horse’s teeth checked every 6-12 months by your vet or equine dental technician to ensure that he is able to chew his food effectivel­y.

Regularly use a weightape and perform a body condition score on your horse so that you can tell if there has been any weight loss — see page 74.

A blood sample can be performed at the time of annual vaccinatio­n to check your horse’s vital organs. Any abnormalit­ies can then be investigat­ed before the signs of diarrhoea begin to show.

If your horse needs to be on oral antibiotic­s for any reason, ensure that your vet knows about any previous reactions so that they can either use a different treatment or use gastroprot­ectants alongside the antibiotic medication.

 ??  ?? Make any dietary changes, including hay, very gradually
Make any dietary changes, including hay, very gradually

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