Be your own tech genius

Speed up your computer, block pesky pop-ups and solve other simple problems

- By Lizzy Dening

My broadband speed is slow

The fix: “The speed you receive from your internet service provider is affected by your home’s distance from the phone exchange,” says Richard Parris, editor of Which? Computing. “and this will not change unless you upgrade to ultra-fast broadband (where available). “But there are simple things you can do, such as keeping your broadband switched on, even when you’re away on holiday.” Make sure your wifi is password-protected, as otherwise people in the area could be using it and slowing it down. Try moving your router (the box where your connection comes from) as it can be slowed down by thick walls and doors. Place it as high as possible, on top of a shelf or at the top of the stairs, to see if this speeds things up.

I can’t remember my passwords

The fix: “We have so many codes and pins to remember, and we’re warned about having our personal informatio­n stolen,” says Lara Crisp, editor of Gransnet. “Writing down passwords is a big no-no – so try a password managing service, such as OnePasswor­d (https://1password. com), where just one password lets you enter the secure site and find all your other passwords and pins. It’s free for a limited number of passwords.”

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