Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Stay calm when reporting emergency

- HINTS FROM HELOISE To share a hint, write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000. ▶

DEAR READERS: Many of us have experience­d an emergency or had to report a crime at some time or another. Safety experts say there are things we should know when reporting incidents to 911 to get quicker results. Here are the steps that you should take:

1. When you call, stay calm and say,“i want to report a robbery (or fire or medical emergency).” You will be asked, “Where? When? Describe the person or situation. Is the person breathing? Are there weapons present? Are there injuries? Did the criminal run?” Answer the questions in as much detail as you can. Listen carefully to the operator and follow instructio­ns.

2. Get the name of the operator who took your informatio­n so that you can call again if you have more to report. You can give it to the same person and save time.

3. Do call back if the situation has changed.

DEAR HELOISE: I just inherited a beautiful set of old family china. I treasure it and want to know how I can safely keep and store the china.

— Eleanor from Florida

DEAR ELEANOR: When you handle the delicate china pieces, be sure that you wash them carefully. Place a soft towel in the sink and then put one piece in the sink at a time (never put them in the dishwasher). Gently wash with a mild soap and dry. Here’s the right way to store them to prevent nicks or chips. Never stack them directly on top of each other. Instead, do the following:

Put cheap paper towels or round coffee filters between the dishes. Wrap the stack with plastic wrap to keep the china clean. You also can buy zipper containers designed for storing your best china.

DEAR HELOISE: My young children were having a party, and I wanted to give them a snack that was healthy and fun so they would eat it. I took celery sticks and filled the grooves with peanut butter. Then I sprinkled “ants” (raisins) on the top. The kids loved them.

— Christina from South Dakota

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