Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Minimalism, Kondo effect may lead to end of hoarding

Limiting accumulati­on hits home with millennial­s who are selective about purchases

- By Diego Mendoza-moyers

The spread of self-storage units should have been the first sign. People had so much “stuff” that they no longer could fit it in their homes.

So perhaps it’s no surprise that authors like Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizati­on maven, hit a nerve with their suggestion­s on how to downsize.

A trend toward minimalism and conservati­on helped propel the downsizing movement.

And shows like Netflix’s “Tidying Up” highlighti­ng Kondo’s techniques showed people how to do it. Shed belongings that no longer spark joy, it advised, even though for many the need to declutter is more practical than philosophi­cal.

“Everybody has too much stuff. It’s an

epidemic,” said Sheilah Sable, owner of the personal concierge service Call Sheilah!. “It’s very hard for people. The majority of my clients are attached to things in a way that makes it really, really hard, no matter what options I offer.”

Other Capital Region moving consultant­s said they regularly encounter hoarder-like homes so cluttered with objects that the living conditions become unhealthy.

“We’ve opened kitchen drawers full of mice droppings,” said Linda Gross, of Organize Senior Moves, a Delmar-based business that manages moves for senior citizens. “When they’re piling things up like that, it’s dangerous from mold growing in places, and we’ve had people who live in a house, and we wonder how they aren’t extremely ill.”

Francine Frank, 86, is a former linguistic­s professor at the University at Albany who for more than four decades lived in a three-story brownstone on State Street, across from Washington Park.

She moved from that home to Beverwyck, a senior community in Slingerlan­ds, nearly two years ago to downsize and clear out items she’d gathered over the years.

Frank said she initially felt nostalgic about leaving her longtime home, and found it difficult to part with the large book collection she had amassed during her career in academia.

“When I lived in a very small apartment with no room, I didn’t accumulate anything. Then you have a lot of space, you see something you like, you buy it, or somebody gives you something. It just adds up,” Frank said.

“For me it was mostly books, but a lot of other stuff — junk. Little souvenirs, and T-shirts,” she added, echoing the experience of many people who face a challenge clearing out their longtime homes.

Sara Melita, an arts educator, sought Sable’s help two years ago to clear out the excessivel­y cluttered basement of her Bethlehem home.

She said after several two- to three-hour sessions of cleaning, the basement was cleared, and Sable helped Melita emotionall­y detach from decades-old Halloween costumes and a childhood teddy bear.

“Even when I didn’t go down into the basement but I knew that was kind of down there, that mess, it occupied space in my mind,” Melita said. “I definitely felt like my life just moved smoother, my household life, and going up and down into the basement for things — it was just not a frustratio­n looking for some thing. It just really made things so much more efficient.”

“The therapeuti­c side of what (Sable) did was unexpected,” Melita said.

But some experts say the accumulati­on of

“junk” could change as younger, millennial consumers strapped with student loan debt and a higher cost of real estate become more selective about what they purchase.

Suraj Commuri is a senior associate dean at the University at Albany School of Business, and an expert in consumer behavior. He said the trend to minimalism by younger consumers “started a few years ago” and can be partially attributed to the psychology of control.

“There’s a tremendous amount of uncertaint­y

... in the economy, a lot of uncertaint­y in the world,” Commuri said. “So much of the world is out of (consumers’) control, so they want to say ‘I have control over my space, my life, my future, my time.’ If you feel that you’ve made a major decision to clear everything up, it gives you a sense that ‘I’ve got things on track.’”

He also said that donating or throwing away unused items can offer the simple benefit of freeing up more space in one’s home or apartment.

But one major problem arises as people clear their homes: Where does all the stuff go?

Thrift stores in the United Kingdom, for example, have had to tell donors they can no longer accept copies of the “The Da Vinci Code” after it has for years been the most donated book in the country.

“Accumulati­ng stuff that is made cheaply is ridiculous in today’s economy and environmen­t around climate change. There’s not enough room for it,” Sable said.

That could lead to changes in the way chains like Walmart and IKEA operate — the latter of which even plans to rent out furniture to prevent it from being thrown out, according to the Financial Times.

That highlights another trend among young consumers geared toward a reduction of waste — renting.

Ride sharing services like Uber and Lyft have skyrockete­d in popularity, and even things like clothing rentals have become popularize­d in recent years.

“The stress associated with ownership is becoming a salient issue. If you’re used to Uber or Lyft all the time, the minute you think about a car, you look at just the insurance without anything, and say wait a minute, $300 a month?” Commuri said. “The whole idea of what you pay for is changing. (The idea of ) ‘I pay and hold onto something even when I don’t use it,’ it’s absolutely going away.”

Commuri also said younger consumers may seek to not necessaril­y avoid spending, but spend more on fewer items, or even on experience­s.

“Instead of spending on four things, let me spend on one,” he said. “Instead of buying an 1,100- squarefoot apartment in an OK building, let me get an 800-square-foot in a nicer building with a view. You’re allocating money differentl­y. The quantity has come down.”

And while many people are finding that their children just don’t want that set of family china anymore, the idea of ridding yourself of clutter makes sense for anyone, at any age, Michelle Kavanuagh, the owner of Organize Senior Moves, said.

“I don’t care what age you are, when your home is set up in an organized fashion or everything has a place and you can find something, you’re going to feel you’re in a better state of mind. Our homes are a safe haven,” Kavanaugh said.

And whether younger consumers develop increasing­ly minimalist shopping tendencies, Kavanaugh said happiness will always be derived from people — not things.

“What is true happiness? It’s sitting down and having a cup of coffee (together), the companions­hip that’s more important than having stuff in our lives,” she said. “We make each other happy, that’s what happiness is. People need to see and really focus on that, not their stuff.”

 ?? Photo credit ?? A look at a basement before Call Sheilah! owner Sheilah Sable worked with a client to clear it out. Area organizers said they regularly encounter similarly cluttered homes.
Photo credit A look at a basement before Call Sheilah! owner Sheilah Sable worked with a client to clear it out. Area organizers said they regularly encounter similarly cluttered homes.

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