Albany Times Union (Sunday)

We’ve been pleading for some clarity

- JUNE CASAGRANDE a Word, Please ▶

If you ever feel like a wallf lower and want lots of attention pronto, here’s an idea: Express an opinion about “pled” vs. “pleaded” on social media. Any opinion will do. No matter what you say, you’ll get tons of people telling you you’re wrong and just as many people telling your detractors that they, in fact, are wrong.

Recently, former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara took to Twitter to espouse his preference for “pled” over “pleaded.” The tweet got 19,000 likes and 1,100 replies, many of them passionate­ly arguing one side or the other.

“Bravo!,” one anonymous Twitter user replied. “Grammatica­lly, it should be ‘pled’ in a legal context. ‘Pleaded’ is for intimate, personal interactio­ns. ‘He PLED guilty to Mueller’s charges, then PLEADED with his wife to forgive him.’ ”

This isn’t the first time a controvers­y over “pled” vs. “pleaded” has set the internet on fire. In late 2017, self-styled language sleuths set out to determine the true author of a presidenti­al tweet based solely on its use of “pled” as the past participle of “plead.” Amid speculatio­n that lawyer John Dowd penned the tweet under Donald Trump’s name, one observer stirred up a hornet’s nest by asking, “We’re supposed to believe John Dowd wrote pled instead of pleaded?”

The implicatio­n: Surely, no lawyer would use the obviously incorrect “pled,” right?

I understand why people have strong opinions on language. I might have a few myself. But I don’t understand how people who are certain one way is right and another is wrong don’t consult a dictionary before they document their unfounded certainty in a public forum.

For example, the person who tweeted that “pleaded” is reserved for intimate personal relationsh­ips offered no source for the assertion other than his own absolute certainty. I’ve been writing about language since 2002, researchin­g such matters on a regular basis and have never come across this idea, much less a rule to this effect.

So which is right: pled or pleaded? Regular readers probably hear this coming: Both forms are correct. The one you choose should depend on whose authority you accept.

Merriam-webster’s Collegiate Dictionary says that the simple past tense and the past participle form are “pleaded or pled,” in that order. That means you can use both.

Webster’s New World College Dictionary takes a narrower view: It gives you just one option: pleaded.

American Heritage sides with Merriam’s, stating that pleaded and pled are both acceptable.

For regular everyday users, dictionari­es are the best authoritie­s. And because some dictionari­es allow either “pled” or “pleaded,” you can consider that a green light to use whichever you prefer.

But more specialize­d language authoritie­s aren’t as flexible.

The Associated Press Stylebook states: “Do not use the colloquial past-tense form

‘pled.’ ” (It’s not AP’S job to say, “You can use either.” It’s their job to say, “We need to write it the same way on Page 1 that we do on Page 20, so we’re going to make a call here.”)

In Garner’s Modern American Usage, legal language expert Bryan Garner acknowledg­es that both forms are acceptable in general usage. He even offers some interestin­g insights into the difference­s between American and British English. The Brits, it turns out, are no fans of “pled.” Though that form was once more common across the pond, “pled” has taken a dive in popularity in recent centuries.

But as a legal language expert, Garner has a clear preference. “Traditiona­lly speaking, ‘pleaded’ is the best past-tense and past-participia­l form.”

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