Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Crazy unmasked in economy of shame

- kathleenpa­rker@washpost. com ▶

Columbia, S.C. City and state officials here, frustrated by locals who dare not don a mask despite the state’s inglorious designatio­n as a coronaviru­s hot spot, are dusting off an old standard — shame.

Leave it to South Carolinian­s to ignore warnings and urgent suggestion­s that wearing a mask and physically distancing can drasticall­y reduce the rate of infection. This is Trump country, after all. If the president eschews the mask, why should his comrades in obstinacy surrender to trendiness?

Secession, in certain quarters, wasn’t just a passing fancy but is an attitude that persists, no matter the century. Federal dictates or even recommenda­tions for your own good are viewed with suspicion. And then there are the strict constituti­onalists, such as Gov. Henry Mcmaster (for whom my son works), who believe government shouldn’t dictate people’s behavior but rather should encourage their better angels.

The governor reluctantl­y ordered nonessenti­al businesses and beaches closed for a couple of weeks starting at the end of

March, but has never imposed a strict stay-at-home order, as other states have. In part, this was because South Carolina didn’t have as many cases relative to its population as other states, and a surge wasn’t expected to hit until late May or early June. With the predictabi­lity of hurricane season, the surge came, and most sensible people have begun to get nervous. Yet, with few exceptions, businesses and restaurant­s remain open, if with self-imposed restrictio­ns and fewer customers.

Wearing a mask, says Mcmaster, is a matter of “personal responsibi­lity.” Which should and may be true in some places, but not in our little insane asylum. Speaking of the devil, South Carolina is also home to a not-small number of religious charismati­cs who believe that the wearing of masks is Satan’s handiwork, designed to block the breath of God.

Why, there’s talk that even the Episcopali­ans are passing around snakes these days.

How can officials fight a highly contagious and deadly disease against such resistance? Fortunatel­y, the Bible’s authors thought of that, too: Shame.

Though largely banished from the public square decades ago, shame is making a comeback not just here but in the broader culture. The death of George Floyd while in police custody was finally enough to shame enough white Americans into acknowledg­ing that Black Lives Matter and that the burden of setting things right is the majority population’s to bear. Week after week, we see the remnants of slavery, Jim Crow and the Confederac­y being toppled, removed or abandoned, right down to the “Dixie” in the now-renamed “The Chicks.”

Wearing a mask may seem a minor issue compared to systemic racism or police brutality — unless, that is, you happen to be one of the more than 120,000 Americans already felled by the disease. But it’s all part of the same zeitgeist of community, with an emphasis on shared sacrifice and unity. Besides, businesses are getting on board, which can change everything. In the capitalist commune, virtue becomes an incentive and only the morally fit businesses survive.

If shaming the smokers conquered Big Tobacco, could shaming the mask-deniers tame the pandemic?

Greenville, a vibrant city in the western half of the state, decided to find out. Together with the Greenville County government, the Greenville Chamber of Commerce and other business entities, the city launched the Greater Greenville Pledge by which retailers, restaurant­s and other businesses declare their adherence to state and federal guidelines for social distancing, sanitizing, capacity and employee health monitoring. Once a pledge is made, businesses can download a marketing package that includes signs for windows and counters.

Mcmaster decided to duplicate the effort statewide, but only for restaurant­s. Called “Palmetto Priority,” the program encourages restaurant­s to complete a checklist of reopening guidelines and to participat­e in an online education program and health department food safety inspection­s. Upon completing the checklist and signing a commitment to employees and customers, restaurant­s would receive a program endorsemen­t and a sticker for their window.

Sound good? Absolutely not. Did I mention this is South Carolina? Already some restaurant owners are upset that, under the program, they’d essentiall­y be regulated twice-over and subject to the whims of angry customers.

But, aren’t restaurant­s subject to critical reviews of Yelp and Trip Advisor? The only difference now is diners would prefer sanitizer in their finger bowls. Besides, it’s voluntary, which should please advocates of “personal responsibi­lity,” as well as restaurate­urs committed to surviving the pandemic.

In the new economy of shame, the good guys wear masks.

 ??  ?? Kathleen Parker
Kathleen Parker

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