Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Politics divides sisters

- ABIGAIL VAN BUREN Dear abby ▶ Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at http://www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

I have three beautiful daughters. The oldest moved to Wisconsin some years ago. About a year ago, my middle daughter went to visit her. My older daughter said something about politics that the younger one didn’t like, and since then the younger one refuses to communicat­e with her, which is breaking my heart. My older daughter asked if I could help by talking to her. They used to be close and now this.

I tried talking to the younger one. She said she loves her older sister and for me to let her handle it. She promised she would contact her. It has been three months and — nothing. What can Ido?

— Mom referee in Oregon DEAR MOM REFEREE: Too many things have become politicize­d lately, and it is to the detriment of relationsh­ips both personal and profession­al. If “change begins at home,” let it start with you. Step back, stop counting the days and refuse to be put in the middle of this. Whatever their disagreeme­nt was, the problem is theirs to resolve, not yours.

DEAR ABBY: A few months ago, new neighbors moved in next door. They have been very nice and helpful. I work a lot, so they have done things like grab packages or take care of little things like bringing in my trash can.

I have thanked them many times, but three weeks ago I decided to do something extra special. I bought a lovely thankyou card and put a $100 restaurant gift card inside. I knocked on their door and handed it to the husband.

Abby, I haven’t received any type of thank-you from them. I don’t want to seem petty, but part of me is hurt by their lack of acknowledg­ment. They have my number, and I’m obviously home at a certain hour of the day. Do you think that because they helped me out, they felt they deserved my gift and a thankyou wasn’t necessary? I am at the point where I no longer want them to do anything for me. Am I being petty, or do I have a right to feel hurt?

— Unapprecia­ted in New York

DEAR UNAPPRECIA­TED: Yes, you are being petty. You are essentiall­y bemoaning not getting a thank-you for a thank-you. Your neighbors may not have said anything because they were overwhelme­d by your generosity. The next time you see the husband or the wife, ASK if your display of gratitude may have made them uncomforta­ble. But in the interest of good relations, stop judging them as harshly as you have.

DEAR ABBY: My sister was spring cleaning recently and came across a 14-karat gold crucifix pendant she had found in front of our family’s house decades ago. Being nonreligio­us, my sister didn’t know what to do with it. She didn’t want to be disrespect­ful by improperly disposing of it, so she kept it. I offered it to someone I know, but she doesn’t need another crucifix, so I’d like to know what should be done with it. Is there an organizati­on that handles this sort of thing?

— Respectful­ly not religious

DEAR R.N.R.: If selling the crucifix doesn’t interest you, contact the nearest Christian church and talk to someone there about donating it so it can be given to someone who needs it, such as a recent convert or a newly confirmed young person. I am sure your offer would be appreciate­d.

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