Albany Times Union (Sunday)

A sometimes too-long road to hyphen mastery

- A Word, Please ▶

A New York Times article on Hong Kong reported that “the territory erupted in monthslong protests last year over a proposed extraditio­n law.” My eye stopped at “monthslong.”

The New York Times has its own house editing rules, so I can’t be sure that the term is wrong in their world. Before the newspaper laid off a large number of their copy editors a few years ago, I might have assumed the folks there knew what they were doing when they left the hyphen out of “monthslong.” But now, I’m less inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt. They should have gone with “months-long.”

My guess is that an editor who was well-versed in the rules for hyphenatin­g suffixes wasn’t quite so well-versed in a more esoteric issue: how to know when a word is also a suffix. Getting a term like months-long right requires a clear understand­ing of both, starting with hyphenatio­n rules.

Most people don’t bother to dive too deep into hyphenatio­n rules. They’re wise not to. Hyphen errors are usually inconseque­ntial. If you write that you saw a man driving a pickup, no one will lose your meaning just because you didn’t write pickup. So there’s no need for most people to spend hours or days researchin­g a surprising­ly complicate­d set of rules about what to hyphen when.

There’s a rule for hyphenatin­g compound adjectives like familyfrie­ndly: Use a hyphen if it helps.

There’s a rule for hyphenatin­g nouns like “mix-up” and verbs like “self-regulate”: Always check a dictionary.

There’s a rule for hyphenatin­g prefixes like “co”: Skip the hyphen, “coauthor.”

There’s a rule for hyphenatin­g suffixes like “able”: Skip the hyphen, “workable.”

Then come the exceptions — lots of them — which render “happily married couple,” “coworker” and “gentleman-like” all correct, even though they contradict the rules I just listed.

If you’re looking for a simple way to hyphenate well, just follow this guideline: Hyphenate adjectives, prefixes and suffixes only when the hyphen might help the reader. For nouns and verbs, check a dictionary if it’s important or go with your gut if it’s not.

If, on the other hand, you aspire to perfect hyphenatio­n, choose a style guide like the Associated Press Stylebook or the Chicago Manual of Style, read through the myriad rules and exceptions, then reach for that guide repeatedly throughout your lifetime because there’s no way you’ll memorize them all. Oh, and it helps to know that the official guides often contradict each other, so all your efforts to be “right” could still make you “wrong” from an equally informed point of view.

But all that effort won’t save you from writing “monthslong” in place of “months-long.” Yes, you’ll know that suffixes are usually attached with no hyphen: teachable, fearless, clerkship.

But who said “long” is a suffix?

It’s tempting to think of “long” as being just like “able” and

“less” and “ship,” which are both words and suffixes. But “long” is not a suffix. It’s just a word. So the rules for hyphenatin­g suffixes don’t apply.

How can you know when a word is also a suffix? The answer is in the dictionary. Look up “ship” and you’ll see entries for it as a noun, a verb and a suffix. Look up “less” and you’ll see it’s an adjective, an adverb, a noun, a prepositio­n and a suffix. Then look up “long” and you’ll see it’s not classified as a suffix.

Once you know that, you can analyze what “months” and “long” are doing in a sentence before a noun like “protests.” They’re working together as an adjective, modifying the noun. So the rules for hyphenatin­g compound adjectives say that, in most cases, you should hyphenate two words that come before a noun to modify it, giving you “months-long protests.”

 ??  ?? June Casagrande
June Casagrande

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