Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Birthday message doesn’t seem right


DEAR MISS MANNERS: On a grandchild’s birthday, would it be inappropri­ate for a grandparen­t to post a message that talks of their late spouse and how they "wanted you to know they are watching over you"?

I personally feel that a child’s birthday celebratio­n is not the time to grieve the loss of your husband. Your thoughts? GENTLE READER: That you are less than thrilled about Nana’s post on Jaden’s 5th birthday announceme­nt. However, there is a difference between grieving and acknowledg­ing. If Nana was diverting attention from Jaden by posting a page-long eulogy in lieu of a birthday message, that would be one thing. But Miss Manners sees nothing wrong with acknowledg­ing that Pop Pop might be thinking of him as a way of reminding him of his grandfathe­r — as long as that acknowledg­ement is kept brief and doesn’t scare the celebrant, as in "Happy birthday, Jaden. Miss Manners is watching you."

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I love to cook and bake, and am told I’m quite good at it. My husband, who means well but is completely oblivious to common sense, found out that a friend of his was getting rid of her stove and buying a new one.

That she might be getting rid of it because it’s a complete junker didn’t occur to him. I came home to find he surprised me by replacing my perfectly fine stove with the stove his friend had gotten rid of.

I don’t know why he thought I needed a new stove when I liked the old one. The new one is horrible. The oven has only two settings: too hot (things burn on the outside and are underdone on the inside) and too cold (things don’t finish baking). None of the burners fits right and they tilt, which means it is impossible to cook evenly on the stovetop. After only a month, I’ve come to hate cooking, and dread going into the kitchen to try to make a salvageabl­e meal. Obviously the solution is for me to buy a new stove for myself, which I’m going to do, annoyed though I am at having to spend the money. How do I do so in such a way I don’t convey to my husband I hated his gift? Do I need to wait a certain amount of time?

What do I say if he asks me why I bought a new stove so soon after he gave me one? Do I raise the subject, and if so how, or do I just replace it and hope he doesn’t say anything? GENTLE READER: There is a difference between the surprise element that comes with a personal present and that of a major shared household item.

Miss Manners gives you permission to replace the oven openly, telling your husband, "I can see why Mandy got a new stove. I am afraid this one was on its last legs, and we’ll have to get a new one." She suggests you take this opportunit­y to request your husband confer with you when it comes to replacing crucial domestic appliances — if not, perhaps, charm bracelets and coffee mugs.

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