Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Taking care of pets a big responsibi­lity

- HINTS FROM HELOISE Write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

DEAR READERS: It’s wonderful to bring a new member into your family. But taking care of a dog or cat is a big responsibi­lity. Get everyone involved in loving that new pet, and give each family member a task in caring for the newest family member. Then take these steps:

1. Check around your home to see what dangers might be there for inquisitiv­e kittens or puppies. Find out if any of the plants in your house are poisonous to them; some could be. Never allow your pets to be loose around a swimming pool, because some dogs cannot swim, and the chemicals can be dangerous to them. Put the cords from curtains up so kittens cannot play with them, because the cord could choke them. Never let your pets in your home office. They might chew on electrical cords.

2. While puppies and kittens are growing, don’t let them roam round the house at night while you are sleeping. They could get into trouble. Corral them in one area and watch them carefully during the day, too.

3. Set up a daily schedule for pets. Establish a routine for feeding, play and exercise.

Coordinate it with your family’s routine.

DEAR READERS: When you are getting ready to put up all your lights for the season, both inside and outside, first give them a close examinatio­n.

Check and test all holiday lights you are hanging to make sure they are working. And look at the cords to be sure they are not frayed and are in excellent shape. Note this safety advice: Never run cords under rugs. Do not place the cords where they could be walked on, because this could cause a fire.

DEAR READERS: Kids love these bathroom toys. It sure makes taking a bath more fun, but they do get a bit yucky. Here’s how to clean them. When you realize they are slimy, pick them all up and put them into a gallon-size container. Fill it with water and 2 cups of white or apple cider vinegar. Soak for several minutes and wipe off with a sponge and rinse in clean water. Wipe off again and let air dry.

DEAR READERS: If you want to have a real lasting memory of your family holidays and gatherings, such as Christmas, make a memorable tablecloth. Let each guest at the table participat­e in it.

Here’s how:

Buy a plain tablecloth and a couple of permanent markers, fabric paint or liquid embroidery. First, put a table pad on the table and then cover with the tablecloth. During the meal, let each guest decorate the cloth with his or her name, a picture, quote or drawing. At the end of the meal, be sure to date it.

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