Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Lying viper is finally held to account


In our dispiritin­g time of widespread, never-ending and hyper-charged disinforma­tion and conspiracy theorizing it is very rare for peddlers of harmful fabricatio­ns to see a shred of justice.

That’s what makes it extra sweet to see ghoul Alex Jones, a proud pioneer of lies who has spent decades slinging wild accusation­s to millions for financial profit and political gain, to finally be held to account for the garbage he spews.

Monday’s Connecticu­t court ruling means that the demented conspiraci­st has now lost all four defamation cases brought against him by family members of children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre, where a gunman with an assault rifle massacred 20 first graders and six adults.

With the nation reeling over an unspeakabl­e atrocity, the detestable radio host launched into ludicrous rants and phony claims, which led to his gullible supporters hounding grieving parents in the vilest terms imaginable. When it became clear that legal consequenc­es were possible, Jones tried to walk his comments back.

He still refused to turn over documents related to the suit, causing his loss by default. He won’t get to use the courts as a stage to continue the sideshow and cause these families more pain. After years of spouting sewage without repercussi­ons, even being rewarded for it with the support of Donald Trump, Jones will get hit in the only place he care about: his wallet.

The final amount this parasite will have to pay will be decided next year by juries of his peers. As to the dollar number, we hope it’s, as he might say, outrageous.

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