Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Talk money with parents

Holidays offer chance to plan for future challenges

- By Liz Weston NerdWallet

Holiday gatherings may present an opportunit­y to talk to your parents about important money issues, such as estate planning or long-term care.

The need to discuss this stuff may feel particular­ly acute if you don’t see your folks often or these are the first holidays you’ll be together since the pandemic started.

Tread carefully, though, because these discussion­s can easily go wrong. Diligent preparatio­n, the right approach and a respectful attitude can help your family tackle potentiall­y uncomforta­ble subjects without ruining the holiday, said Amy Goyer, AARP’s national family and caregiving expert.

Ideally, families would talk “early and often” about issues related to aging, she said. The more remote or theoretica­l the topic, the easier it can be to discuss. For example, talking about how to pay for assisted living or a home health aide may be less fraught when the need is hypothetic­al than when your parent has just fallen down the stairs or is in the hospital.

“Finances are hard to talk about, much less in some kind of a crisis,” Goyer said.

Most U.S. adults say there are obstacles when it comes to discussing important financial topics with family, according to a study published in October from financial services firm Edward Jones in partnershi­p with Age Wave and Harris Poll. The top issues include: avoiding family conflicts (22 percent), trying to avoid burdening family members with their finances (20 percent) and being too uncomforta­ble to discuss these topics (18 percent).

If you want to talk to your parents about money, consider the following steps.

Listen to their wishes

Research some options in advance so you can present choices to your parents. If they don’t have long-term care insurance, for example, they might be able to sell investment­s or tap their home equity to pay for a nursing home stay. If they don’t have an advanced directive or other estate planning documents, you could offer to help them use estate planning software or find them an estate planning attorney. If bills aren’t being paid, you can offer to set up auto-payments, take over bill paying or find a daily money manager who will do it for a fee.

“The point is for them to get what they want — that their wishes will be adhered to,” Goyer said.

Focus on feelings

How you broach the topic will depend on your family dynamics. An indirect approach would be to mention that you read an article on the topic or saw something on TV about it, or that you’re doing similar planning for yourself.

“For some people, an indirect approach is more effective,” Goyer said. “For other people, they’re going to be angry that you’re indirect.”

Take the approach you think will work best with your parents. However you bring it up, pivot quickly to asking for your parents’ perspectiv­e. It’s important to listen more than you talk, especially at the beginning.

“Ask them how they’re feeling about the finances, or the housework or the driving or whatever it is,” Goyer said. “Do they ever feel uncomforta­ble? Do they ever feel unsafe?”

She says you could pose it as a question, such as: “‘Do you ever feel like you might like to have a little bit of help to do that?’”

Ask follow-up questions and consider paraphrasi­ng what you’re hearing to show that you’re listening. People who feel heard are less likely to be defensive and more likely to listen to what you have to say, Goyer said.

If your parents aren’t troubled by a situation, but you are, Goyer recommends using “I” statements.

“Never start anything with, ‘You need to,’” Goyer said. “Instead, say, ‘I’m concerned about’ or ‘I want to help you.’ Your role is to provide support for them.”

Prepare to abandon ship

That support includes staying calm if your parents get angry, fearful or sad. Your folks may be embarrasse­d about their financial situation, worried about the future or resistant to the idea of needing help. Acknowledg­e those feelings, even if you don’t agree with their viewpoint, Goyer said.

“If they are feeling insecure, or they’re feeling angry at the thought of a change — validate those feelings,” Goyer said. “Change is hard.”

But be prepared to drop the subject if tensions remain high.

“For some people, (discussing money) is fine, but for others, it’s going to ruin the holiday,” Goyer said. “Maybe the holiday is when we ... plan to talk later about it.”

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