Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Francis now alone after Benedict’s burial

As two-pontiff era ends, pope can now exercise own power

- By Jason Horowitz ▶ This article originally appeared in The New York Times.

VATICAN CITY — Since the first day of his papacy nearly a decade ago, Pope Francis has had to navigate an unpreceden­ted complicati­on in the Catholic Church: coexisting with his retired predecesso­r in the same Vatican gardens. Supporters of Francis studiously played down the twopontiff anomaly, but it generated confusion, especially when conservati­ve acolytes of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI sought to wrap their fervent opposition in their leader’s white robes.

Now, with the burial of Benedict on Thursday, Francis, never bashful about exercising his power, is for the first time unbound.

“Now, I’m sure he’ll take it over,” said Oswald Gracias, archbishop of Mumbai, as he walked around St. Peter’s Square before Benedict’s funeral Mass.

Some liberal supporters of Francis’, who has often balked in the face of advancing major overhauls, are raising expectatio­ns for a late-breaking season of change.

Many bishops and cardinals in the Vatican are convinced “he’s thinking ahead,” said Gerard O’Connell, the Vatican correspond­ent for America magazine. “What changes now is that the opposition will not have the rallying figure, manipulati­ng Benedict. Francis has a very clear agenda.”

O’Connell, the author of “The Election of Pope Francis: An Inside Story of the Conclave That Changed History,” envisioned an immediate future of swifter personnel decisions and the placing of more lay Catholics in power. He said there was talk about a new document on morality, sexuality and contracept­ion. He also predicted the revisiting of major issues.

Francis has already allowed debate on key, and previously taboo, topics such as being more inclusive to gay people and giving women larger roles in the church. In 2021, he seemed poised to allow married men in far-flung areas such as the Amazon to become priests. Although an unexpected expression of opposition from Benedict, or those writing in his name, perhaps contribute­d to Francis’ pulling back, he left the door open.

Already absolute, Francis’ leadership in the church is increasing­ly fortified by a hierarchy in his image. By the end of the year, Francis will almost certainly pack the College of Cardinals with hand-picked appointees. His chosen prelates will most likely then make up two-thirds of the body, the threshold necessary for electing the next pope.

That number could click even higher if he remains in power through the end of 2024, when the second of two major meetings of the world’s bishops he has convened will end. Those so-called synods, deeply disparaged by Benedict’s wing, are the fulfillmen­t of Francis’ vision to foster a consensus for big changes in the church.

While that all remains in the future, what seems certain is that Francis seems eager to put an end to grievances about the past. On Friday, the day after the burial of his predecesso­r, Francis seemed to try to quell the grumbling by Benedict’s loyalists, who had accused him of giving Benedict short shrift in his funeral homily and of having disappoint­ed the pope emeritus repeatedly over the past decade, by quoting Benedict’s own words about avoiding the petty and mundane and putting faith above all else.

In a remark that has been widely interprete­d in the Vatican as a direct response to the complaints of Benedict’s closest collaborat­or, Archbishop Georg Gänswein — who has a book coming out — Francis said during the Mass, “Let us worship God, not ourselves; let us worship God and not the false idols that seduce by the allure of prestige or power, or the allure of false news.”

The new era also ended the strange business of church officials denying any awkwardnes­s in the two-pope era.

After Benedict’s death, the calculus in the Vatican has clearly changed.

French Bishop JeanYves Riocreux, said Thursday,that the major difference for Francis after Benedict’s death was that “now he can resign.”

Although Francis has entertaine­d the prospect of retiring, Vatican analysts say that if his health holds out and he keeps enjoying the job of being pope, it is unlikely he would rush to hand things over to a successor who could undo his legacy, just as he has chipped away at Benedict’s.

Indeed, conservati­ve critics of Francis’ are already fearing the worst.

“Seems that Francis declared Year Zero, goodbye to all that, etc.,” Rod Dreher, a hard-right traditiona­list who left the church but remains active in its politics, declared Thursday on Twitter after what he considered a paltry homily to Benedict by Francis. “Bad times coming for faithful orthodox Catholics.”

But some Vatican analysts hold a countervai­ling view that Francis will not be the only force with a freer hand now. Frustrated conservati­ves and traditiona­lists, they say, will no longer feel chastened by Benedict, who at times provided cover to Francis by telling his own followers to cool it. Instead, with Francis having already brought down the hammer on their beloved old Latin Masses, some predict that they will wage an even more open war against Francis.

Francis does not seem worried. He has shrugged off their critiques, and in 2019, he responded to a question about a potential breaking off by archconser­vatives in the Catholic Church by saying, “I pray there are no schisms, but I’m not scared.”

More than conservati­ve opposition, what has held Francis back on major issues, O’Connell said, was the search for a collegial consensus to bring the whole church forward on the major changes. “His aim is to keep the unity of the church,” O’Connell said. “And that is the constraint.”

Francis hopes to secure that consensus, or something close to it, over two major meetings of bishops in the coming two years. But in the Vatican, two years is plenty of time for something to go wrong and slow Francis down.

To the chagrin of his critics, Francis has demonstrat­ed a political agility, media savvy and seeming impervious­ness to the scandals and crises that so hobbled Benedict during his eight-year papacy.

Benedict frequently stumbled with political missteps. He openly acknowledg­ed he was no administra­tor and seemed to prefer the books of a theologian to the platform of the globe’s most powerful pastor. He surrounded himself with intriguepr­one Italians in the Curia, and ultimately resigned amid tawdry Vatican scandals.

By contrast, Francis relies on a few trusted clerics, often Jesuits like him, who operate outside the traditiona­l Vatican power structure. He has shown an ability to bounce back from errors and has managed to keep the usual Vatican intrigue at bay with a mix of good hires and draconian governance.

If with Benedict tongues wagged, with Francis heads have rolled.

When a scandal erupted in 2020 about the possible misuse of funds to buy an apartment building in London, Francis publicly humiliated one of his top cardinals and stripped him of his privileges.

And on a more substantiv­e crisis, when Francis wrongly sided with his bishops in Chile over sex abuse victims, whom he accused of “calumny,” he reversed himself, ordered an investigat­ion and “wound up firing basically half ” of the bishops in Chile, said Joshua McElwee, editor of the National Catholic Reporter and co-editor of “A Pope Francis Lexicon,” a collection of essays about the pope.

“He’s shown an incredible ability to change his mind and to adapt to learning that he was wrong,” he said.

John Allen Jr., editor of Crux, a news site specializi­ng in coverage of the Vatican and the Catholic Church, put it in more political terms: Francis and his team “can see a train wreck coming and try to get out ahead of it in a way that Benedict and his team was never able to do.”

That crisis management savvy, clear agenda and now-fragmented conservati­ve opposition has put Francis in a position to make changes his supporters have so hungered for.

 ?? L’Osservator­e Romano / Associated Press ?? Pope Francis, left, and Pope Benedict XVI, meet each other June 28, 2017, on the occasion of the elevation of five new cardinals at the Vatican. Benedict XVI was buried on Thursday.
L’Osservator­e Romano / Associated Press Pope Francis, left, and Pope Benedict XVI, meet each other June 28, 2017, on the occasion of the elevation of five new cardinals at the Vatican. Benedict XVI was buried on Thursday.

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