Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Happy to be redistrict­ed into Stefanik’s district

- Www,cynthiatuc­ Allan Ripp runs a press relations firm in New York City.

While many were suspicious of the recent one-party gerrymande­red redistrict­ing, I am truly thankful and excited to be back within the district of Congresswo­man Elise Stefanik. She leads by example with integrity, standing up to and for our country’s founding principles. She sees our Constituti­on and Bill of Rights as a roadmap, not a roadblock, for standing up for victims of antisemiti­sm, political corruption and the woke liberal agenda.

As a constituti­onal republic, our democracy is definitely on the ballot this year. Elections are our voice and our way to choose those whom we believe represent our values. I am proud to be able to reelect Stefanik, the leader we need: a woman, a mother, wife and public servant who represents me, my beliefs and my values.

As a mother, I am confident in my and my son’s future living in Stefanik’s district, the community I proudly share with her.

Barbara Ann Whelan


Jules. She never looked back, until recently.

“What did I take away from those years?” she muses. “I loved the discipline of dance — my idea of a good Saturday was to go from one class to another — ballet, tap, acrobatics, Flamenco. From drama I learned diction, poise, voice control. I earned some money and felt independen­t on the road. Later in my career as an educator, my theater life gave me confidence on stage, giving keynote addresses, conducting workshops, school-age kids are drowning in technology — phones, tablets, laptops — and suffering from shorter and shorter attention spans, are parents really that worried about what books they are reading? Are they reading books much at all?

As the mother of a 15-yearold, I am struggling to picture her wandering into a library and pulling ”Lucky” off the shelf. Even with the controvers­y it presents over unjust incarcerat­ion, I’d be thrilled if my daughter wanted to read it. The unfortunat­e truth is that she never ventures into a library without my prompting. How many teens do?

On the other hand, I can’t keep up with all the sexually explicit lyrics she’s listening to on streaming music services and the youth-centered TV shows based around sex, drugs, suicide, sexual abuse and heaven knows what else. Streaming services are well beyond the reach of old-fashioned broadcast censors, and I can’t find enough parental controls to keep all of that out of reach.

If she were merely reading books with sexually explicit passages, that would be a profound relief. At least she’d be reading. presenting to funders or debating controvers­ial issues.”

These days, when my 6-yearold granddaugh­ter visits in her tutu, she’ll show off a move she’s picked up in her own dance class. When pushed, “Baba” will join in with a little soft shoe and twirl spin, her arms extended delicately like Ginger Rogers, or rather, like Barbara Fields. She can still bring down the house.

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