Albany Times Union

Legislatur­e OKS LGBTQ protection­s

Measure would shield trans individual­s from employment, housing discrimina­tion

- By Rachel Silberstei­n

The state Legislatur­e on Tuesday passed measures that would establish the strongest human rights protection­s for LGBTQ individual­s since the state legalized gay marriage in 2011.

One bill enshrines gender expression as a protected class in the state’s human rights and hate crimes laws, protecting trans individual­s from employment and housing discrimina­tion, and the second prohibits mental health profession­als from practicing conversion therapy — a discredite­d practice that attempts to change someone’s sexual orientatio­n — on minors.

The Gender Expression Non-discrimina­tion Act, or GENDA, has passed the Assembly for 11 consecutiv­e years, but was repeatedly blocked in the Gop-controlled Senate.

Senate Democrats, who reclaimed the Senate by a healthy margin in November’s election, made strengthen­ing LGBTQ protection­s a legislativ­e priority and moved the bills through the committee process on the first official day of the legislativ­e session.

“It’s a new day,” Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-cousins, D-yonkers, said as the votes were being taken. “We were

proud when we were able to pass marriage equality eight years ago. None of us thought it would take eight years to get to this place.”

Sen. Brad Hoylman, D-manhattan, the Senate’s only openly gay member and the bill’s longtime sponsor, recalled how in 2002, lawmakers voted to exclude trans individual­s from protection­s afforded to gay and lesbian New Yorkers by the Sexual Orientatio­n Non-discrimina­tion Act.

“There was and remains

unfinished business in the civil rights movement,” Hoylman said on the Senate f loor.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo took executive action interpreti­ng human rights law to include trans and gender nonconform­ing individual­s in 2015. But without the protection­s codified in state law, they could be subject to judicial interpreta­tion or scaled back by a future governor.

The federal government’s recent efforts to ban transgende­r individual­s from serving in the military, and to roll back protection for trans children in schools, has

amplified the issue in New York.

“An act of law sends a message to families and to kids that they are perfect just the way they were born, and this is such a crucial message when the White House and other federal officials are sending just the opposite signal,” Hoylman said outside the chamber.

The conversion therapy ban, which in past years was held up by the Republican-controlled Senate, passed both houses overwhelmi­ngly.

“Conversion therapy is a dangerous and discredite­d practice,” said the bill’s

Assembly sponsor, Assemblywo­man Deborah Glick. “It is built on the denial of LGBTQ people’s basic humanity, jeopardize­s young people’s mental health, and is a perversion of mental health profession­als’ mission to help.”

Fourteen states and the District of Columbia currently ban the practice on minors. Numerous cities and counties recently enacted local bans, including the city and county of Albany, which banned conversion therapy last year.

Cuomo in 2016 took executive action to prohibit insurers, health plans and Medicaid from covering and reimbursin­g conversion therapy, and banned its practice on minors in mental health facilities funded by the state.

The Senate chamber was filled with LGBTQ activists and prominent figures, including New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson and Sarah Mcbride, a well-known transgende­r-rights activist who currently serves as national press secretary of the Human Rights Campaign. Applause broke out in the Senate chamber as the bill passed.

Mental health associatio­ns also praised the move in a statement Tuesday.

“Recognizin­g there is no scientific or empirical evidence that conversion therapies work and, in fact, there is evidence of harm, every major medical and profession­al organizati­on has repudiated the efficacy of ‘conversion therapy,’” said Jack Drescher, a physician who drafted the American Psychiatri­c Associatio­n’s 2002 position on sexual orientatio­n conversion efforts.

Both bills are expected to be signed into law by the governor.

 ?? Will waldron / Times Union ?? Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivers his budget address and State of the State at The Egg in Albany on Tuesday.
Will waldron / Times Union Gov. Andrew Cuomo delivers his budget address and State of the State at The Egg in Albany on Tuesday.

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