Albany Times Union

RHA: dangerous, dehumanizi­ng, and anti-woman

- By Michele Sterlace-accorsi Michele Sterlace-accorsi is the executive director of Feminists Choosing Life of New York. ▶

In the quest to “liberate” women, pro-choice feminists in New York have rallied around the Reproducti­ve Health Act. Many buzz phrases have circulated to describe the RHA’S meaning, such as “Abortion is not a crime” and “Abortion is health care,” but beyond these buzz words lie the RHA’S real implicatio­ns: It dehumanize­s the disabled; healthy, viable humans in utero; children who are aborted but born alive; and pregnant victims of domestic violence.

By completely gutting abortion from New York’s criminal law, the RHA removes the state’s only prosecutor­ial tool for holding violent abusers accountabl­e for the death of wanted unborn children. Studies show that domestic violence escalates during pregnancy. New York’s version of a fetal homicide law lies within the abortion provisions of its penal law, which the RHA repeals.

If reproducti­ve freedom and equality lie at the heart of the RHA, as pro-choice feminists claim, how could the bill’s drafters have overlooked this injustice? How could any feminist strip away the right of a woman to prosecute a violent partner for killing her wanted fetus? Depriving women of the opportunit­y to punish violent partners for killing their wanted unborn children is anti-woman.

The RHA dehumanize­s viable, healthy humans in utero — who could survive outside the womb — by enacting a broad rather than a narrow health exception to New York’s current ban on third-trimester abortions.

The RHA dehumanize­s the disabled by explicitly permitting the unimpeded destructio­n of unborn children incapable of surviving outside the womb during the third trimester of pregnancy.

The RHA dehumanize­s yet another class of humans, namely infants born alive during abortions — which does occur, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The RHA fully repeals state Public Health Law 4164, which requires that after the 20th week of pregnancy, a separate doctor be present to provide life-saving treatment to children who survive abortions. The current law also affords them civil rights. Without PHL 4164, it is unclear what protection­s children who survive abortion would have.

From a pro-life feminist perspectiv­e, the RHA warps women’s rights to bodily integrity and individual autonomy and undermines basic human rights. For a group of people such as women, who have long endured historic dehumaniza­tion, the RHA should be embarrassi­ng.

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