Albany Times Union


- Bob Jones welcomes readers' responses, send to

South in today's deal was Janice Seamon-molson, one of the USA'S leading players and a multiple World Champion. She is from south Florida and is a member of one of the country's all-time great bridge families.

Molson won the opening club lead with dummy's ace, led the nine of hearts to her king, and led the nine of diamonds. This caught West in a position known as Morton's Fork. Had West ducked her ace, Molson would have won with dummy's king and discarded the queen of diamonds on the king of clubs. West rose with her ace, giving Molson an extra diamond trick, but it took one trick and preserved the defense's chance for three trump tricks.

Molson won the club continuati­on in dummy, discarding a heart, and led a spade to the jack, queen, and king. The heart shift went to dummy's now bare ace. Molson led a diamond to her queen and ruffed a heart in dummy. She discarded the queen of hearts on the king of diamonds and ruffed a diamond.

Molson had read the cards beautifull­y to this point and she made no mistake now. She exited with a low spade to West's eight and West had to lead a spade from her 10-five into Molson's ace-nine. Very nicely played!

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