Albany Times Union

Five shows ready to view on Netflix

- By Noel Murray

A(2018-present) A revival of the “Karate Kid” franchise, this fanfriendl­y series brings back the film’s original hero and villain, still played by Ralph Macchio and William Zabka. The show has nostalgic appeal, but it is more complicate­d than the usual “underdogs versus bullies” story, getting into family histories and socioecono­mic circumstan­ces.

A The Chase (2013-15)

Multiple versions of this intense quiz program have been popular in Britain and the United States. Netflix carries two seasons of the now-defunct first American version of “The Chase.” Here, the supersmart Mark Labbett, nicknamed “The Beast,” is the designated “chaser,” tasked to outguess the contestant­s in order to keep them from winning big money.

A Lupin (2021-present)

In the early 20th century, Maurice Leblanc wrote stories about the mysterious gentleman thief Arsène Lupin. In the new French adventure series “Lupin,” Omar Sy plays Assane Diop, son of a Senegalese immigrant and a fan of Leblanc’s books. The plot jumps between the past and the present to explain why Assane is so determined to use his heist-planning mastery to wreck the reputation of a powerful family.

A Never Have I Ever (2020-present)

Mindy Kaling created this clever and heartfelt sitcom, which draws on her teenage experience­s as a first-generation Indian-american who very much wanted to be part of the popular crowd. It’s set in the modern day, but it should still be relatable to anyone who can remember the family pressures and personal dramas that keep some kids from ever feeling “cool.”

A The Sinner (2017presen­t)

This arty mystery series, one of the more thoughtful procedural­s on TV today, began as an adaptation of a Petra Hammesfahr novel, following one detective’s investigat­ion into a murder on a beach. Subsequent seasons have introduced new stories, making “The Sinner” more of an anthology, anchored by Bill Pullman’s recurring performanc­e as a sullen sleuth drawn to inexplicab­le crimes.

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