Albany Times Union

Health Beat


Every month has a host of health ‘holidays’ – events aimed at raising our awareness of a health risk, injury, condition. The hope is that by providing informatio­n, we’re better armed to deal with a diagnosis or, better yet, to prevent a health ailment. March is brain injury awareness month. 5.3 million Americans of all ages have been diagnosed with a permanent brain injury-related disability. This will change the trajectory of their lives forever. It is a chronic condition. They may not be able to interact with others as before and so may be viewed negatively by others. The Brain Injury Associatio­n of America is on a two- pronged mission this month: to alert us to traumatic brain injury and to lessen the stigma those who’ve been diagnosed with a TBI often face. Their campaign is #Morethanmy­braininjur­y. Keep in mind that more than 2.8 million Americans suffer a TBI each year and it’s a leading killer in this country. Falls, assaults, motor vehicle accidents, being struck – they top the list of causes. So you can see how prevention plays a role. Wear a helmet when bike riding, wear your seat belt, check your home for areas where falls could happen, such as securing loose rugs, taking precaution­s when using a ladder, adding grab bars to the bathroom. Clearly the list goes on. And sometimes, that brain injury is a result of something else: lack of oxygen, exposure to a toxin, or other health diagnosis. So take care of your noggin. For more informatio­n check out Brain Injury Associatio­n of America | BIAA ( and Brain Injury Associatio­n of New York State (

Benita Zahn, Dps-bioethics 518-207-4820 /

Watch Benita interview Capital Region health experts at

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