Albany Times Union

Facebook seeks way ahead in a post-2020 landscape

Social media under increased pressure to stop extremism

- By Barbara Ortutay

It’s becoming increasing­ly clear that for Facebook, there is no returning to its habits of the past.

Many of its election-year tweaks to its rules and steppedup enforcemen­t imposed to crack down on political misinforma­tion were supposed to be temporary.

But the Jan. 6 insurrecti­on, the rise in COVID-19 vaccine misinforma­tion, the persistent spread of malicious conspiraci­es — coupled with a new U.S. president and growing regulatory scrutiny around the world — have forced a reckoning at the social network.

“They don’t want to be the arbiters of free speech,” said Cliff Lampe, a professor studying social media platforms, moderation and misinforma­tion at the University of Michigan. “But they have to be.”

For CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the past year has presented a series of humbling events that have picked away at his longheld assertion that Facebook is a force for good. In Facebook posts, public comments and discussion­s with employees, the CEO appears to be increasing­ly grappling with the dark side of the empire he created.

Take his approach to former President Donald Trump, who until January enjoyed special treatment on Facebook and other social media platforms, despite spreading misinforma­tion, promulgati­ng hate and — what finally got him banned — inciting violence.

“Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies,” Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page on Jan. 7, explaining the company’s decision to suspend Trump. “We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controvers­ial speech.”

A day earlier, violent insurrecti­onists, egged on by Trump, descended on the U.S. Capitol in a deadly riot. While Facebook’s (and other tech companies’) move to ban a sitting president was unpreceden­ted, many called it too little, too late.

It’s not yet clear if Facebook will banish the former president permanentl­y, as Twitter has. The company batted that decision over to its quasi-independen­t

Oversight Board — sort of a Supreme Court of Facebook enforcemen­t — which is expected to rule on the matter in April. On Thursday, Zuckerberg, along with the CEOS of Twitter and Google, will testify before Congress about extremism and misinforma­tion on their platforms.

Lampe said he doesn’t doubt that Facebook would like to return to its pre-2020, hands-off approach, but public pressure to crack down on extremism will likely win over. That’s because online extremism, fueled by social media — in the U.S. and around the world — is more and more tied to real-world violence.

The company is also facing a growing internal push from increasing­ly vocal employees, some of whom have quit publicly, staged walkouts and protested in the past year. Last summer, advertiser­s staged a boycott of Facebook’s business. And activists are finding growing support from lawmakers on the state, federal and global level.

Jessica Gonzalez, attorney at the racial justice group Free Press, recently joined Democratic Rep. Tony Cardenas and Latino activists in calling on Facebook to crack down on hate and misinforma­tion targeted at Latinos in the United States. She said when she and other civil rights activists met with Zuckerberg last summer during an advertisin­g boycott of the company, she reminded him of the 2019 massacre in El Paso, when a gunman targeting Mexicans killed 23 people.

“Facebook has a choice,“she said. It can be a “vector for hate and lies that harm people of color, Latinos, immigrants and other groups,” or on the right side of history.

Facebook says it’s met with the organizati­ons and shares their goal of stopping Spanishlan­guage misinforma­tion on its apps.

Though its moves have often been halting, the social media giant has worked to address some of the criticisms lobbed at it in recent years. Besides election

misinforma­tion, it has put restrictio­ns on anti-vaccine propaganda, banned extremist groups such as Qanon, limited recommendi­ng other problemati­c groups to users and tries to promote authoritat­ive informatio­n from health agencies and trusted news organizati­ons.

Facebook’s reluctant shift toward more self-regulation didn’t begin with the 2020 election. An earlier turning point for the company and for Zuckerberg himself, Lampe recalled, was the company’s role in inciting genocidal violence against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

In 2018, Facebook commission­ed a report on the role its platform played in stoking ethnic cleansing. It found that Facebook “has become a means for those seeking to spread hate and cause harm, and posts have been linked to offline violence.”

After Myanmar, Zuckerberg promised to do better, but its failures to stop spreading military propaganda continued. Now, with the country under a military coup, it faces yet another “emergency” situation that has no clear end in sight.

The 2020 U.S. presidenti­al election also qualified as an emergency, as did the COVID-19 pandemic, which most recently led Facebook to expand its policy on anti-vaccinatio­n falsehoods, banning claims saying vaccines aren’t effective or that they’re toxic, dangerous or cause autism — all of which have been thoroughly debunked.

Does this series of emergencie­s represent a meaningful shift for Facebook? Or is the company simply responding to the changing political climate, one that wants to see Big Tech regulated and dangerous speech reined in? Not everyone is convinced. the company has turned a corner.

“At the end of the day, Facebook’s response to disinforma­tion is always going to be driven by how to increase their user engagement and advertisin­g revenue,” said Alexandra Cirone, a professor at Cornell University who studies the effect of misinforma­tion on government.

 ?? Richard Drew / Associated Press ?? Many of the changes Facebook implemente­d during the 2020 election were supposed to be temporary.
Richard Drew / Associated Press Many of the changes Facebook implemente­d during the 2020 election were supposed to be temporary.

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