Albany Times Union

Biden: Senate filibuster change ‘real possibilit­y’

Democrats seeking way to lift debt limit before Oct. 18

- By Lisa Mascaro

To get around Republican obstructio­n, President Joe Biden said Tuesday that Democrats are considerin­g a change to the Senate’s filibuster rules in order to quickly approve lifting the nation’s debt limit and avoid what would be a devastatin­g credit default.

The president’s surprise remarks come as the Senate is tangled in a fiscally dangerous standoff over a vote that’s needed to suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the federal government to continue borrowing to pay down its balances. Congress has just days to act before the Oct. 18 deadline when the Treasury Department has warned it will run short of funds to handle the nation’s already accrued debt load.

Biden has resisted any filibuster rule changes over other issues, but his off-the-cuff comments Tuesday night interjecte­d a new urgency to an increasing­ly uncertain situation.

“It’s a real possibilit­y,” Biden told reporters outside the White House.

Getting rid of the filibuster rule would lower the typical 60-vote threshold for passage to 50. In the split 50-50 Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris can break a tie, allowing Democrats to push past Republican­s.

The topic was broached during a private Democratic Senate lunch session Tuesday as senators were growing exasperate­d with Republican Leader Mitch Mcconnell’s refusal to allow a simple vote on the debt limit. Instead, Mcconnell is forcing Democrats to undertake what they view as a cumbersome process taking days, if not weeks, that will eat into their agenda.

With Republican­s putting up hurdles to the vote, Democratic senators have been discussing a range of options — including a carve-out to the chamber’s filibuster rules.

But invoking a filibuster rules change seems highly unlikely, in part because all Democratic senators would need to be on board.

At his weekly news conference, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, D -N.Y., did not embrace — or reject — the idea of changing the filibuster for this one specific issue.

Instead, Schumer simply repeated what he, Biden and others have said — that Republican­s should “get out of the way” and allow Democrats to pass the measure that’s already been approved and sent over from the House.

“The best way to get this done is for Republican­s to just get out of the way,” Schumer said.

He said the burden to stand aside is on Mcconnell’s shoulders.

Mcconnell, though, wants to force Democrats to use the process he favors, which gives Republican­s ample time to remind voters about the unpopular vote.

Mcconnell refused to budge. “They’ve had plenty of time to execute the debt ceiling increase,” Mcconnell said about the Democrats. “They need to do this — and the sooner they get about it, the better.”

Once a routine matter, raising the debt limit has become politicall­y treacherou­s over the past decade or more, used by Republican­s, in particular, to rail against government spending.

The fact is, both parties have contribute­d to the debt and the nation has run a deficit for decades.

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