Albany Times Union

The religious right is pushing a false narrative


Russia’s war on Ukraine bears some similariti­es to the religious right’s war on abortion. In both cases, false narratives have been used to justify their respective actions.

The Kremlin declared that the invasion of Ukraine was necessary in order to protect the country from “Nazificati­on.” The religious right has declared that abortion must be banned in order to protect the lives of children.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had little to do with Nazis; rather, it was all about capturing land and seizing control of the population’s autonomy. Banning abortion has little to do with protecting the lives of children. The religious right’s interest here is in protecting the fetus, not children. The religious right simply desires to seize control over the reproducti­ve autonomy of women.

The religious right has hailed the overturnin­g of Roe v. Wade as a “victory.” The U.S. Supreme Court decision is not a “victory”; rather, it is a cruel impediment to a poor woman’s ability to preserve her health and economic independen­ce. The availabili­ty of safe abortions has significan­tly improved the economic opportunit­ies for poor women by increasing their presence in the workforce, boosting their wages, and making it more likely that they will finish college.

Without Roe v. Wade, access to safe abortions will continue for women of wealth. However, access to safe abortions will be limited for poor women and their lives will be seriously impacted.

The five justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade are out of touch with public opinion and the economic realities facing poor women. Their decision reflects a religion-driven bias against abortion.

Don Steiner Schenectad­y

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