Albany Times Union

Everything, everywhere set to change


I had a most remarkable but unsettling experience last week. Craig Mundie, the former chief research and strategy officer for Microsoft, was giving me a demonstrat­ion of GPT-4, the most advanced version of the artificial intelligen­ce chatbot CHATGPT, developed by Openai and launched in November. Craig was preparing to brief the board of my wife’s museum, Planet Word, of which he is a member, about the effect CHATGPT will have on words, language and innovation.

“You need to understand,” Craig warned me before he started his demo, “this is going to change everything about how we do everything. I think that it represents mankind’s greatest invention to date. It is qualitativ­ely different — and it will be transforma­tional.”

Large language modules like CHATGPT will steadily increase in their capabiliti­es, Craig added, and take us “toward a form of artificial general intelligen­ce,” delivering efficienci­es in operations, ideas, discoverie­s and insights “that have never been attainable before across every domain.”

Then he did a demonstrat­ion. And I realized Craig’s words were an understate­ment.

First, he asked GPT-4 — for which Craig was a selected advanced tester and which was just released to the public — to summarize Planet Word and its mission in 400 words. It did so perfectly — in a few seconds.

Then he asked it to do the same in 200 words. Another few seconds.

Then he asked it to do the same in Arabic. Just as quickly. Then in Mandarin. Two more seconds. Then in English again — but in the form of a Shakespear­ean sonnet. A few more seconds.

Then Craig asked GPT-4 to write the same descriptio­n in an abecedaria­n verse — where the first line begins with the letter A, the second with B and so on through the alphabet. It did it with stunning creativity, beginning:

Alluring in Washington, is a museum so grand,

Built to teach, inspire, and help us understand.

Curious minds Planet flock to Word’s embrace,

Delving into language and its intricate grace

Every exhibit here has a story to tell, From the origins of speech to the art of the quill.

And so on, through Z.

I could barely sleep that night. To observe an AI system — its software, micro


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