Albany Times Union

‘Scared to go to school’: Shooting at Denver high school stokes backlash

- By Colleen Slevein, Jesse Bedayn, Thomas Peipert and Matthew Brown

DENVER — Outraged Denver students and parents demanded better school security and pushed for tighter firearm controls Thursday, a day after a 17-year-old student shot and wounded two administra­tors at a city high school that’s been beset with violence.

Hundreds of students rallied at the Colorado Capitol to push gun reform legislatio­n, while school board members met privately to discuss security and the district superinten­dent abruptly reversed a policy banning armed officers from schools.

Educators for decades have grappled with how to keep students safe as violence has intensifie­d, and the shooting at East High School near downtown Denver stoked an immediate backlash among parents who said security was too lax.

The uproar echoed community outrage after other school shootings — from last year’s unchecked rampage by a gunman in Uvalde, Texas, who killed 19 elementary school children and two adults, to January’s shooting of a Virginia teacher by a 6-year-old student. The tragedies underscore a chronic problem: keeping guns out of schools even as they proliferat­e in the community.

“We’re scared to go to school,” East High School sophomore Anna Hay said during Thursday’s rally at the Capitol. “We want to have these legislator­s look us in our eyes when they tell us they won’t pass gun legislatio­n.”

As Wednesday’s shooting unfolded, Hay heard sirens from emergency vehicles and had a sinking realizatio­n that the danger was real. “Watching your friends and the fear in their eyes ... it’s the worst feeling in the world,” she said.

The shooting occurred as two administra­tors were searching suspect Austin Lyle for weapons, a daily requiremen­t because of the boy’s behavioral issues, authoritie­s said.

Lyle fled after the shooting and his body was found Wednesday night in the mountains southwest of Denver. A cause of death was pending.

The Colorado shooting was one of at least three at or near a school this week in the U.S. On Monday, a 15year-old was arrested in the fatal shooting of a student outside of a Dallas-area high school, and on Wednesday two teenagers were killed and another wounded in a shooting near a North Carolina middle school.

East High School parent Steve Katsaros said putting police into schools was just part of the solution. He also wants the campus closed to outsiders and a ban on students wearing hooded sweatshirt­s so they can be more easily identified following disruption­s.

The administra­tors who were shot were unarmed, said Denver schools spokespers­on Scott Pribble.

Experts say putting civilian administra­tors in charge of searching a student for weapons was a mistake. Such tasks should be left to trained, armed school resource officers fitted with body armor, they said.

The city’s Board of Education convened a special meeting Thursday, after parents converged on the 2,500-student East High campus following the shooting to voice frustratio­n that officials were not protecting their children.

East High School in recent weeks has seen a spate of lockdowns and violence, including the killing of 16-year-old Luis Garcia, who was shot while sitting in a car near school. The violence prompted students to march on the Capitol earlier this month.

Denver is one of many communitie­s in the U.S. that decided to phase out school resource officers in the summer of 2020 amid protests over racial injustice following the killing of George Floyd by police. The shift away from an armed presence in schools followed concern that officers disproport­ionately arrest students of color.

Meanwhile, shootings in the nation’s schools more than tripled during a five-year period ending in 2021 compared to the previous five years, jumping from an average of 38 annually to more than 130 annually, according to a database from the Naval Postgradua­te School.

 ?? David Zalubowski / Associated Press ?? Students from West High School join forces with East High School students to call for gun control measures to be considered by Colorado state lawmakers Thursday, during a rally outside the State Capitol in Denver.
David Zalubowski / Associated Press Students from West High School join forces with East High School students to call for gun control measures to be considered by Colorado state lawmakers Thursday, during a rally outside the State Capitol in Denver.

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